Chapter 6

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Yes, I just worship money!

Yu Qing said to herself in her heart that marrying a wealthy family is not an easy task, and the big deal is death.

I heard that some nobles like to play outside, and some have illegitimate children. However, it is better to marry a strong nobleman with high abilities, because those people have low fertility and it is difficult for ordinary Omega to conceive a child. But even so, it’s quite appropriate.

Unless you only need money, regardless of how your husband is outside.

Regret, really regret it, after eating super expensive cherries for a few more days, Yu Qing regrets it now.

Those fruits are no matter how expensive they are, and they will be gone if you eat them.

Yu Qing gave birth to the idea of ​​absconding. The last time he spent a lot of money to ask someone to sneak into the system and change the genetic sequence, if he changed his identity again, he would have to spend a lot of money. He feels that he is making money because he is constantly changing identities, and he has not enjoyed it.

“You’ll know it when you meet people.” Someone from the Mermaid Conservation Association told Yu Qing.

At noon, Yu Qing met Raymond at the hotel.

Yu Qing felt that the other party’s face was a bit familiar, as well as the pheromone on the other party’s body. Even if the other party converged, he still smelled it, a very shallow and very shallow breath.

“Hello.” Yu Qing was a little unsteady and wanted to escape.

This damn pheromone is too good…too unpleasant. With such an unpleasant pheromone, you don’t need to smell it too much. What if you become addicted?

Yu Qing told herself in her heart that such pheromone smelled bad, but her body slowly relaxed. He doesn’t like this feeling. When encountering a highly matched Alpha, his body is always out of control.

So far, Yu Qing has met such a person. He remembered where he had met Raymond. When he used his previous identity to go to school, the school invited someone to give a lecture, and Yu Qing smelled the same breath. If he didn’t sign in in the department, he would run away, and in the end he could only sit in the back row.

Of course, Yu Qing can’t ask for a leave, and he is worried that others will discover his abnormality.

Although the empire did not force high-matching AOs to be together, it is still not good to be known. In the eyes of outsiders, there is not much difference between this pair of AO and binding.

“Hello.” Raymond had just been stunned. After he recovered, he looked at Yu Qing again. He saw the trace of impatient and dislike in the other’s eyes. The other party still likes to fight against the body as always. “I have read the information sent by the Genetics Administration. The match rate of 99.9% is very suitable for us.”

The empire has never been firm with a 100% match rate, because 100% exists in theory. In real situations, there is almost no 100% match rate. For 99.9% like Yu Qing and Raymond, the actual theoretical value measured is 100%, but the genetic management bureau does not give 100%, only 99.9%.

It can be said that the match rate between Raymond and Yu Qing is the highest in the entire empire. Raymond secretly thought that this was destined.

“Let’s get married.” Raymond said frankly, he didn’t want to be the same as before, because his sweetheart had a recognized boyfriend, so he wouldn’t do it, and in the end only loneliness was left.

[BL] Mermaid Omega Marries Into a Wealthy Family [Transmigration Into a Book]Where stories live. Discover now