Chapter 23

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It takes too much to think about it to elope with an incompetent person like Ye Haisheng.

Yu Qing just said that, and was disappointed with Ye Haisheng a long time ago. Do not retaliate, do not toss too much, that is because he doesn’t care about Ye Haisheng and feels meaningless.

Some people are obsessed with revenge and mess up their lives. It’s not worth it.

Yu Qing was originally not the kind of person who wanted to slap others in the face, so it was nothing to go to someone’s wedding deliberately.

“Look at me, am I like a fool?” Yu Qing asked.

“You’re not stupid, I’m stupid!” Leimen replied, he was stupid, so he said about Ye Haisheng’s wedding invitation.

“Give it a gift?” Yu Qing looked at Raymond, “but I don’t have money to give it, you give it.”

It is impossible for Yu Qingcai to waste money to prepare a wedding gift for Ye Haisheng. If the Lei family wants to give it, then the butler can prepare. It was impossible for Yu Qing to prepare, and Ye Haisheng was not worth his extra effort.

“You don’t have to send it.” Raymond said, “It’s impossible to send it.”

If the Lei family sent something there, it would be to give face to the Ye family, why should you give face to the Ye family? Raymond didn’t want to upset his sweetheart because of Ye Haisheng, he was not interested in sadomasochism.

“Very good!” Yu Qing nodded, “It’s best not to send it.”

Do you think he would persuade Raymond to send it? It’s impossible, Yu Qing is not so kind, and he doesn’t have to think about using this matter to gain a foothold in the aristocratic circle. Face is given by others, but you can also choose whether or not to let others give face to yourself. Face is seen by others, and face is your own.

“…” When Raymond heard this, of course it was impossible to send it, so he didn’t have to do superficial effort.

In fact, Raymond just didn’t want to send it, so he was proud of it. Look, what Ye Haisheng is, it’s not worth their thoughts.

In the Qin family, Qin Mian is looking at his dowry. The dowry is indispensable. In addition to the money, there are also some intermediate and high-level medicines and daily necessities.

Ye Haisheng came to see Qin Mian from time to time. He didn’t want to come over at all, and was forced to come over by his family.

People in the interstellar age are not so particular, but think that before the wedding, it is normal for the husband and wife to help each other prepare for the wedding. So not only do they have to meet each other, they also have to meet more and have to prepare together, so that they can show their importance to the wedding.

“Brother Haisheng.” Qin Mian stared at Ye Haisheng with scorching eyes. “Those medicines are useful for you. I asked Grandpa specifically for them.”

Qin Mian wanted Ye Haisheng’s praise and wanted Ye Haisheng to look at him more. He really likes Ye Haisheng very much. He liked Ye Haisheng a long time ago, thinking about marrying each other, thinking that only he is the best match.

“Did I ask you to ask your grandfather?” Ye Haisheng sneered, “Don’t have any outside. If there is none outside, will your grandfather give it to you?”

How could Ye Haisheng not understand what kind of people the Qin family was? Those things were indeed worth some money, and some medicines were also useful to Ye Haisheng. Ye Haisheng didn’t think he couldn’t get those medicines. Those medicines were either rare or hard to get.

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