9. "Are you sure?"

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I felt like my sister was keeping something from me. Beth was not good at hiding her emotions from me and she felt guilty. I sighed, trying to focus on the lovely man's hand holding mine as we drove off into hiding. We couldn't be caught seeing each other. We had to date in secret.

"Do you think that Beth's okay?"

"As long as we get back before your parents; she'll be fine. I can't believe she slapped your mum." Tommy laughed loudly before pulling up to his modest size home. It was cute, like a little cottage close to the middle of no where. It was perfect for us to be hiding.

"It's not much but, I like it." Tommy smiled moving to open my door like a gentleman. Richard hadn't even done that, not even for our parents sake.

In Tommy's home it was going under renovations in several rooms. "I know we can't do much until everything is sorted but, fancy a film and a pizza?" Tommy asked awkwardly, guiding me to his small lounge. "That sounds great."

It was weirding me out that I suddenly was wanting to throw my thoughts of waiting until marriage out the window. His small couch wasn't helping as out bodies touched and he wrapped an arm around me, bringing up Netflix. Netflix and chill came to mind. Was I ready to do the "chill" part. With all Tommy had been doing for my sister; I knew he could be trusted and honestly, I would prefer doing it with him than Richard any day.

"You alright their, baby? You're breathing very heavily." I hadn't even realised I was. Tommy noticed the smallest things and the smallest things about him had me feeling wild. mustering up all my courage I moved to straddle Tommy. His wide eyes and agape jaw was adorable.

"Ellie, I didn't bring you here so we can do anything. I know you want to wait." Tommy reassured me, brushing my hair behind my ear and cupping my cheek. I felt myself nuzzling into it. Tommy grinned and moved to pat my head twice. "Good girl."

"Oh shut up!" I laughed loudly, grabbing a pillow and moving to hit him repeatedly with it. It became a full blown pillow fight until I managed to hit him hard in the stomach. "Oh. Now you're going to get it." A loud squeal escaped me as I ran away and upstairs with Tommy close on my tail.

When I reached his bedroom, I turned finding that there was no way out. I looked around his bedroom and found an urge I had never felt wash over me. So, I removed my clothes. I was just dropping my knickers to the floor when Tommy found me. He froze. "Wow. You're stunning." He breathed moving quickly to cup my cheek, hold my waist and kiss me.

I quickly moved to my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around him to deepen the kiss. As I felt my urges grow, I moved my hands round to start undoing the buttons of Tommy's shirt. "Ellie. Are you sure? We don't have to do anything." He groaned, letting me strip him.

I didn't answer. I moved to push Tommy to his bed and straddled him. I attacked his lips with mine with a hunger I didn't know I had, whilst he had me grind against him. We both groaned. "Shit. Jesus, Ellie. I want you so bad but; I don't want you to rush things. If you want to do anything, I can pleasure you in so many ways but, you need to make sure you're ready. Okay?"

I gulped and nodded. Tommy really could never understand how much I appreciated him right now. He moved so my head was resting on his pillows and hovered over me. His green eyes stayed locked on mine, needing my permission. With a bite of my lip, I nodded.

Tommy's lips trailed from mine, to my neck, down to my shoulder and settled on my breasts. He tugged at one of my nipples whilst he pinched the other and massaged my breasts. I gasped. I had never felt any of this type of pleasure before. I had never heard the sounds that left my lips before. Pressure was building in my stomach, even as his lips moved down my stomach and down my legs.

I sucked in a breath as he looked up at me again for permission. I nodded. "Oh my god." I moaned arcing my back as Tommy nibbled on my clit and started eating me out. The pleasure was becoming overwhelming and I couldn't take much longer. I winced when a finger entered me. Tommy stopped as I adjusted to the new intrusion. "I'm okay."

Slowly, Tommy started moving his large finger in me, building up that pressure again as he added his tongue again. It didn't take long for my body to start shaking from the pleasure. "Just let go, baby." With a loud cry of pleasure I came all over his finger. Tommy seemed to clean up the rest of my cum and knelt back up.

"Wow." I breathed heavily, my eyes landing on Tommy's hard cock pressing against his jeans. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I certainly di..." I surprised Tommy by pulling him back to me and wrapping my legs around him. I kissed him tenderly, then passionately. I couldn't wait anymore. I could feel it was right, he was right. I wanted to have sex with Tommy.

"I want you Tommy."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Tommy."

"Damn it. I can't, I don't want you to just be lusting for me, Ellie. I actually like you." Tommy surprised me by snapping and pulling away from me. "I don't want you to regret giving me your virtue when you wanted to wait until marriage for years."

I was amazed that I wasn't upset. I could only smile and watch this man in awe. He had such a good heart to him. I knew I wouldn't have regretted it but, we hadn't long met and I liked him a lot too so, I understood where he was coming from. "For the record. I wouldn't regret it. However I want you to know that this isn't just lust. I really like you too, Tommy. I just need to get the strength to fight my parents on this marriage to Richard stuff."

"Set him up with Beth, she'd jump at the chance if she knew he was free." I chuckled. Richard was a good guy but he deserved someone better who never seemed to want to settle down. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Annabeth would just want to shag him. She wouldn't want a relationship with him. She never wants one."

Tommy's eyes narrowed and he was quickly getting dressed and throwing my clothes in my direction. "We're going back." He growled. All the way back, his fingers were flexing on the steering wheel. What the hell did I say that got him to be so pissed. "I don't think you should see your sister for a bit. After what you just said, I think you have the chance to make her feel worse." Tommy snarled before leaving and slamming the door.

I sat and watched him storm off, slamming the door behind him. What did I say? Why would I make her feel worse? Ignoring him, I headed inside to find Beth who again was swimming. Tommy was crouched down talking to her. Big mistake. The second Beth reached him, she grabbed him and pulled him in. She began to laugh hysterically and I realised; I hadn't seen my sister smile like that in a long time.

I may have not seen her for over a year but that smile. She was happy with Tommy, whether she knew it or not. I couldn't jeopardise that. I couldn't get in the way of them getting together. I sighed. I was going to have to marry Richard it seemed.

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