14. "What's going on with you?"

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I was clueless to what the hell was going on with Ellie. She had blanked me all day. All I got was glares, which isn't something uncommon for me to get, but it was from her. We had always had a great relationship and all I could think was, was she not happy about Richard and I? She knew now, I knew that much. Richard wouldn't have whispered into my ear with her across the table otherwise.

"What kind of dress do you want?"

"Don't know, don't care. I don't want to marry Tommy." I barked at my mum for probably about the twentieth time. I was not cooperating and I wasn't going to. "Elenor, talk to your sister."

"I'd rather not." She grumbled which confused me. It hurt me. I was doing everything I could to help her and yet she seemed to hate me right now. It wasn't going to stop me though. I had to help her any way I could. "Elenor." Our mum warned. Ellie groaned and dragged me away to another wrack of dresses. "What's going on with you?"


"Bullshit. If it's to do with all this shit; we're seeing the guys later and we'll figure it out." I tried to reassure her, taking a stab in the dark at what may have been troubling her. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really can't be bothered anymore. Here, try this dress. Won't be hard for you to upstage me and take all the attention."


From Rick: How's it going, Angel? Xxx

I smiled warmly seeing his message. It made me feel so much better just knowing he was thinking of me.

To Rick: Blah, kill me now. I haven't a god damn clue what's up with Ellie. Did she say anything last night? Xxx

From Rick: She was being funny but it's not to do with us. We'll find out later. Xxx

I sighed. I was counting down the hours to be out of the new hell. I really hadn't a clue what I had done to deserve this. I tried to be a good and nice person. I wanted a simple life and to have normal relationships, not this. "I guess that'll be good enough."

"Good, let's go then."

I knew no one appreciated my attitude but, I wasn't just going to act like everything was all hunky dory. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to marry Tommy. I didn't want to be anywhere near these people. I wasn't going to hide that.

"Ellie and I have a double date, we have to get ready." I tried to bargain. Ellie was no help. She had gone al quiet on me again. "Elenor, you'll be sharing a wedding day, get over it and have fun on your double date."

Was that actually it? She was pissed we were sharing a wedding day? Neither of us wanted to get married. Nothing was making sense to me. "I'll drive us, Ellie."


Ellie was starting to piss me off now. Be pissed all you want but bloody tell me why. Still, I couldn't be bothered to pry on that right now. I just wanted to be with Richard. I didn't care what Ellie thought or felt about him and I anymore, not when she was acting like this. Tommy and Richard were both waiting in my driveway when I pulled up. I had barely stopped the car before I was darting out of it and sprinting to Richard, diving into his arms. "Hell?" He chuckled brushing through my hair.
"Hell." I confirmed before giving him a kiss.

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