Now This Is How You End A Horrible Day

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It's probably 2 in the morning and my heart is not letting up. We both laid in bed, my head on his chest. He rubbed my back and shoulders, hoping that would help my pain but it didn't.

My body is begging for his touch and just rubbing was not doing it.

We sat in the tub for 2 hours and all it did was put my feet to sleep.

Why won't he just have sex with me? I know my arousal was thick in the air, I smelled it myself, so why wasn't he acting on it? Does he not want me?

That has to be it. The sent should have him ripping off my clothes at this very moment.

The fact that he was able to just sit in the tub with me while I was like this and not make one move is pissing me off.

He couldn't keep his hands off me last night, what's wrong now?!

"Kai this hurts" I cried.

He pulled me up in a swift motion and looked over. He's eyes where pouring with lust, why won't he fuck me!? Do I have to pull his dick out myself?

His eyes wasn't yellow so he still have his wolf caged up, witch is hard to do considering how I smell right now.

"Do you think it would help if we took off our shirts?" He said. I was barely able to understand him with the amount of growls that was coming from him. Just let your wolf out so he can fuck me!

I could see some veins sticking out and his hands shaking. He obviously  wanted me, just take me.

"Kai fuck me" I blurted out. We've been trying to find different things to do for hours now when we could just end this all. My heat would stop instantly and go back to once a month.

"Zara I want to so badly" he said, licking his lips which did things to me. He's so handsome.

"Then why don't you?" I asked. My body is yelling for him and he's denying me.

"Because you're in heat. Your body is forcing you to feel like this and I don't want to take advantage of you. What if after we do this and your heat is over you regret it? Or what if I hurt you?" He said.

Honestly it's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. You don't hear of many wolves thinking this way. Although he's words were very considerate, I still wanted him buried inside of me.

"Kai, I won't regret it. You're my mate, not some random wolf. Even if you do hurt me I'll teach you how to not hurt me in the future. I'm hurting right now and you have the power to take it away, please Malakai" I begged, pulling on his shirt.

He still looked unsure about it and I groaned in frustration. Never in my life did I think I would have to beg my mate to fuck me.

Looking over at him his eyes were flicking from brown to yellow. He truly is stronger than what most think. This amount of control is not easy.

His eyes looked over my body slowly, taking in everything before coming back to mine.

I've broken his control once I can do it again!

"Fine" I said, getting out of bed. As much as it hurt, I started to put on some clothes as quickly as I could.

"Wait, what do you mean fine? Where are you going?" He asked, his voice already getting deeper.

"To go find a way to make this pain leave" I said, trying to go around him.

He gripped onto my shoulders hard and stopped my in my tracks.

"What do you mean find a way?" He growled.

I thought about what to say before speaking. Man this is beyond toxic, but at this point I don't care. I'll feel bad later.

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