14.movie night

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"Do you guys have anything to do tonight?" Ricky asked after Gina finally answered the Group FaceTime call that he set up between Ej, himself, Gina, and Big Red

"Ej and I have a date" Gina beamed excitedly.

"Cancel it. Cancel any plans that you all have" Ricky said

"Dude, I have to practice my tap choreography for the video that I have to submit by Monday"

"You can practice tomorrow. I need all you guys at my house. 7pm tonight"

"And why do you need all of us there?" Gina asked

"Jen and Mazarra changed the plans for me and Nini's second fake date tonight. They want all our friends to get together for a movie night. Something about, fans knowing our friend groups combined will make it more believable"

"Wait! So I get to see Nini again tonight?" Ej asked excitedly. "Be right back. I gotta plan out my outfit" Ej said before closing out of the Group FaceTime call

"He's such a huge Nini fan that it worries me sometimes" Gina said massaging her temples "do you need us to bring anything?" She asked

"I'm giving up my dance practice for this. My presence is enough" Red cut in, and Ricky playfully rolled his eyes with a chuckle. He couldn't help but laugh

"Nope, I'll take care of everything. I just need you guys here"

"Well you already know Ej will be there. You guaranteed that as soon as the name Nini came out of your mouth" Gina laughed "and I'll come with him"

"Thanks Gi"

"I'll be there too. And there better be popcorn" red said

"Thanks guys" Ricky smiled "I have to get everything together though, so I'll talk to you tonight?" He said and both red and Gina nodded before hanging up the call.


"Guys, we have to skip coffee tonight. Maybe we can do it tomorrow if the two of you are free"

"We? Why do all of us have to skip coffee?Usually when one of us is busy the other two still go" Ashlyn asked, not in a rude way. Just curious

"Apparently for our next date, I have to do a movie night at Ricky's place, but I have to bring my friends along. So you guys have to come too"

"Oouu a movie? Can I bring Howie?" Kourtney asked

"Sure, I don't see why not" Nini said as she looked through her closet to find something to wear. "Apparently it starts at 7 so ash do you want to meet us here and all of us can go together?"

"Uhh yeah, that sounds good" Ashlyn agreed

"And Howie can meet us there." Nini said and looked at Kourtney for approval but the girl was smiling at her phone paying no attention to her. "Texting Howie?" Nini asked and Kourtney slightly jumped

"Yeah" Kourtney smiled at the two of them. " I was asking if he wanted to come, he said yeah"

"I'll text you the address so you can send it to him" Nini said and Kourtney nodded "you know, I'm actually glad you guys will be there tonight. Maybe me and Bowen will be less likely to argue with you guys there."

"We'll see about that" Ashlyn mumbled


"Oh nothing" she fake smiled


"I'm here! Where's my popcorn?" Red said as he entered the house. He went right into the kitchen earning a slight chuckle from Ricky.

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