23. paris

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Nini took in the fresh air of Paris's as she finally stepped out of the airport

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Nini took in the fresh air of Paris's as she finally stepped out of the airport. It was more beautiful than she ever imagined it to be and she couldn't wait to experience new things in Paris.

She quickly remembered that she was supposed to text Ricky to let him know that she landed safe so she quickly pulled out her phone to text him but her phone was flooded with notifications.

All of them were fans enjoying the collab that she had with Ricky, and her lips formed into a smile. After the two finally talked things out they were like a dream team.

They worked extremely well together.

After texting Ricky that she landed safely the girl entered the car that Jen arranged to take her to the hotel, and admired all the scenery that was around her.

She never expected for Paris to be so breathtaking. It was actually unbelievable that she was there.

What was even more unbelievable for her was that she actually had fans all around the world in places like Paris.

"Jen really outdid herself" Nini thought to herself as she looked around her hotel room in awe. It was actually really big and beautiful.

Somewhere she would love to come back to on a romantic getaway. After all Paris is the city of love.

"Maybe I forgive her for interrupting all my naps" she said out loud as she took in the view.

The hotel had several gold accents with the main color of white. Everything looked new and fresh, and there was a balcony with a breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower.

She pulled out her phone and clicked Ricky's contact. She didn't know what inclined her to call him, but she really wanted to talk to him.

"Hey" she smiled and plopped on her bed

"Hey. How was your flight?"

"Long" she sighed "but it was worth it. Paris is so beautiful, I still can't wrap my head around it"

"Did you find any little French cafes that you can sit and eat French pastries at?" He joked

She giggled "not yet, but trust me when I say I will"

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