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The purpose of Kaisei Seon's tongue was to lick fruit skin for life. That's it.

Botanical gardens were fulfilling. With a slight drift in breeze, summer-light, a fashionable bench assigned under weaving, feathering elms, the largest ones had benches for sitting - which is why they were. Just there. Resting their souls. Golden caramel tresses falling in short waves over the back support, feet dangling, Normani Penn breathed of solitude. In her small, dainty hands was a copy of Sylvia Plath, to which Kai's smooth voice commented : "didn't peg you for a Plath girl"

"Excuse me?"

Yet she was a smiling face. Clad in a soft baby blue dress, Nora appeared divine, next to Kai's holy spirit. Although, Kai would only laugh if he heard me. Kai cleared his throat before hastily adding - "I thought, I assumed, my mistake there, that you must be Shakespearean fan."

"Your English is so perfect - I can't tell your ethnicity at all!"

"Thank you,"

"To answer your question," she began. "Shakespeare is a darn fool. Loves to exaggerate emotions like we have no choice, like we are a slave or whatever. Big paras mean nothing if you don't get it, and, even if you do get it, Shakespeare is cringe... Not worth getting," she paused momentarily to exhale, "in fact I think teachers blindly pick stories for syllabus..."

"Know what I think?"


"They are trying to manipulate us into being the beautiful, vulnerable human beings he wrote about."

"You speak like you read."

"I don't have time," was what Kai wanted to say. However, he diverted his attention towards the fruit in hand and skillfully did he unroll the silvering of lychee. "Quiet now," he said not quiet meaning it.

"If I become an education minister, all students would have the liberty to have their best book!" She fumed beside him.

The vast planes above reveal contrasted blues as he listened, kindly - softly, taking in the smaller version of his girlfriend, and the fact she was so much of a dreamer. Dreamer with practical mentality, that is. Kai wouldn't be unwrapping his other fruit-passion fruit so slowly if he wasn't engaging every minute.

Then they came.

Mindless followers. "Seon sir?"


Apparent confusion was visible on their facial features as they chorused. "Have you seen Westerly sir? There's a bouquet offer awaiting him on -"

"I haven't seen since PE."


Nora appeared interested. "Oh yeah, I can't find Ellie either."

The groupie moved over to her side. "Is it for Imogen?" One of the timid ones, a petite, female fresher dared to question. Kai's gaze at once snapped, causing a shudder to wash over her to her looking away immediately. "Haha, I hope not, cuz I heard she don't like flow'rs." And Nora being Nora, shrugged too. Safe to say - Nora's most appealing characteristic was her easy going attitude.

Something the other royals lack; something her heartless benchmate did too. "Check the rooms, maybe the top floors. Report it to me ASAP. Crystal?"

"Yes sir!"

Funny it was - to him at least - how they disappeared like dispersed light. As of Wes, Kai knew he was making it up with studies for his daily absence. Anyhow, the pair resumed lazying around.

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