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what the hell do you think you were doing?

i did exactly what you told me to do.

no, you didn't.

oh yes i did.

are you fucking happy now?

of course not! you nearly killed yourself, you bastard! i told you to take your pills! i didn't say you should fucking overdose them!

well, you told me i'd get better if i did! you told me everything would be better if i just took the goddamn pills so i did! and it would've been that way if it weren't for your little punching spree with the mirror beforehand that led mom upstairs!

you had too much! that isn't getting better at all! killing isn't getting better, you dumbass! killing yourself is the opposite, even more so. it doesn't only make everything worse but it rids the chance of your life getting any better at all!

at least i could have a time of no pain! that's much better than this hellhole!

you don't get it do you? there's no such thing as "no pain" be cause there will always be pain! there will be pain as long as comfort exists as well. these two are intertwined, a yin to each others' yang. you cannot tell one without the other because if that happens, then both will cease to exist. comfort is pain, and pain is comfort.

yeah, tell that to the ones in pain.

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