Chapter 1

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Y/N and Harry Potter were born on the 31st of July 1980 to Lily and James Potter. The twins would later be famous in the wizarding world, known as 'The Twins Who Lived' after Lord Voldemort killed both Lily and James. 

Y/n and Harry were taken by Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid to live with their Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon in Privet Drive along with their cousin Dudley. The Dursley's treated Y/N and Harry like slaves, except Dudley who had a soft spot for Y/N. She hated him though, the way they treated her and her brother, it was horrible. 

Y/N's p.o.v

You were making coffee one summers morning while Harry was send to collect the mail. Minutes later Harry walks into the kitchen with a pile of letters for Uncle Vernon and walks to you and hands you a letter. "Harry what is this? We never get letters." You whisper. Harry just shrugs as he walks to Uncle Vernon to hand him his letters. As he's walking to the other side of the table to stand next to you, Dudley realises that you both have one. 

"Dad look the twins got a letter each" he squeals ripping the letter from Harry's hand.

"Hey..." You demand as he rips yours from you to.

"Give that back it's mine" Harry yelled as Dudley gave the letter to Uncle Vernon. With Dudley to his right and Aunt Petunia to his left Uncle Vernon laughs.

"Ha. Yours? Who'd be writing to the pair of you?" He asks dumbfounded. As he flips the letters to see the back his face falls as he looks to Petunia. 

That day you and Harry were sent to bed early. Both of you living in the cupboard under the stairs as they didn't respect either of you. 

Through the week you saw many owls, delivering the same letters as before and Uncle Vernon destroying them before they get to you or Harry. 

*   *   *

It was Sunday morning. 

"Fine day Sunday. In my opinion it's the best day of the week. Why is that Dudley?" Grinned Uncle Vernon. Dudley looked at his father with confusion while you just rolled your eyes. 

"Because there's no post on Sundays" Harry answered. You held your breath while waiting for your Uncle's reply.

"Right you are Harry. No post on Sundays ha." He was talking to himself at this point. "No blasted letters today. No sir! Not one single bloody letter. Not one!" You rolled your eyes and sighed as you listened to Vernon while he rambled on about the mail. 

As you look out the window you notice the house, drive and most of the signs outside were covered in owls. Majestic animals you thought. A smile crawls onto your face as you start drowning everyone out. 

"No sir, not one blasted miserable..." As you hear Uncle Vernon talking you begin to feel the house rumble. You grab Harry's arm. 

"Harry! What's going on? Is this an earthquake?" you question with worry lacing your voice. Harry looks at you with worry on his face. He doesn't need to speak for you to know his head is spinning. He is your twin after all and you understand him in a way that no one ever will. You look around the living room as you prepare yourself for death. You see Vernon sat in his chair covering his ears. You notice Dudley, the fat pig, screaming and jumping onto his mother's lap and you begin to laugh. 

"Y/N what are you laughing at?" Harry questions. You can't speak so you just point. As you point towards Dudley the rumbling intensifies and letters fly out of the fireplace. Letters upon letters whipping around in the air. Down the chimney, through the windows. You and Harry laugh and run into the middle of the room. 

You look next to you and you catch Harry trying to catch a falling letter and you roll your eyes. "Harry I love you but you are so stupid," you laugh as you bend down to grab a letter.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" You hear Uncle Vernon shouting. Vernon notices you both grab a letter and chases you both. You struggle to get the door open to your little room and see Vernon grabbing Harry from behind. 

You run up to him and jump onto his back. "Let my brother go!" You yell.

"That's it we're going away. Far away. Where they can't find us." He was yelling as Harry was struggling to get out of his grip and you were hitting his back. 

"Daddy's gone mad hasn't he?" Dudley cries into his mother's side. You hadn't even noticed they'd come out. 

*   *   *

Ever since you learned that Harry could speak to snakes, which was a funny day, you were all at the zoo for Dudley's birthday and he kept banging on the glass to the boa constrictor, poor thing was sleeping. I wouldn't want to wake up to his face either, you thought. Then Harry started talking to it, you stood there watching your brother as if he was mad. All of a sudden you made the glass disappear and Dudley got trapped in the snake's habitat while the boa constrictor was free thanks to you and Harry. 

Since that day small things have been happening that neither of you could explain. Uncle Vernon decided to take you all to an island with only a hut. As it was reaching midnight on a dark and stormy night you and your brother were the only ones awake. "Happy birthday Harry" you quietly whisper to him with a smile as you draw him a cake in the dust on the floor. 

"Happy birthday to you to Y/N" he smiled back. You both blow on the 'candles' and quietly laugh. As you both lay there lighting strikes and the door is knocked down, waking everyone.

As Vernon and Petunia are crawling down the stairs, you and Harry hide behind a wall clutching each other. "W-wh-who's t-t-there?" Stutters Uncle Vernon o the verge of tears. As the door hits the floor it reveals a giant man standing in the doorway. Aunt Petunia and Dudley scream at the top of their lungs, piercing your ears.  


Thank you to @ANGELXRUBY for being the first person to vote for my story. This means so much to me. 

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