Chapter 15

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Your second year of Hogwarts was going quicker than the first. Everyone was talking about this Chamber of Secrets and quidditch.

In first year Harry was placed on the Gryffindor quidditch team and now, this year, Draco was the seeker for Slytherin.

You and your friends went to every match to cheer him on and you were the loudest group there. The match between Gryffindor and Slytherin was the most intense.

A bludger had been cursed, by who no one knows, and was constantly headed for Harry. Unfortunately, Harry caught the golden snitch and Gryffindor had won. While catching the snitch, Harry came off his broom and broke his arm.

You left the stands and ran straight for your brother but Ron and Hermione got there first. Sighing, you shook your head and made a b-line for Draco. You made sure he was okay as the bludger was also chasing him in a way as him and Harry were both in the same position.

You and your little group of friends kept your distance away from most people at the school and because of this, you had all grown even closer.

The whispers of the chamber of secrets was all anyone was talking about and people started ending up in the hospital wing. The professors had told you they had been petrified and that Professor Sprout was working on her mandrakes to cure them.

So far two people had been petrified, Colin Creevey and Justin Finch-Fletchley, along with Mrs Norris the cat and Nearly Headless Nick the ghost. A lot of students were shaken to the core by the events including you and your friends.

Everyone was trying to figure out who the heir of Slytherin was and many fingers were pointed at both Draco and you. But you knew better. You knew it wasn't Draco, you didn't feel like an heir yourself either but you had your own theories.

One question you kept asking yourself was, if people pointed the finger at you for being a potential heir of Slytherin, then why didn't they point the finger at your brother? You were twins after all, and he was the one who could speak to snakes, which everyone found out when they thought he was getting a snake to attack Justin Finch-Fletchley one day while Snape and Lockhart, the new DADA professor, were trying to teach you how to duel.

A few more moths had passed and the petrifications had begun to slow down. You hadn't spoken to Harry at all this year as you could never find him on his own.

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were getting ready for their quidditch match and you decided you would go and find your brother before the game.

You found him just outside the arena. Breathing and shaking off your nerves, you made your way over to him. "Hey, Harry," you waved and gave him a slight smile.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He shot back as his head shot around for your friends thinking this was some kind of trick.

"I just wanted to wish you luck before the game." You had finally got the chance to talk to your brother and you didn't even know what to say and you couldn't feel more awkward.

Harry watched you skeptically, waiting for your friends to jump out, but that wasn't going to happen. "Well... umm... thank you... I guess," he shrugged rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look, Harry... I know" you started but got cut off by Professor McGonagall who came rushing over to Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor team who were several meters behind him.

"Quidditch has been cancelled, Potter, come with me. There is something you and Mr Weasley should see," she huffed as she started waking away.

"But professor, they can't cancel quidditch," moaned Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor team captain.

McGonagall ignored him and continued walking. Harry gave you an apologetic look and started after the professor who's was beginning to shrink with the distance between you.

You felt out of place being around the Gryffindor team without your brother. You felt out of place when he was there, but without him was even worse. You turned on your heals and left to find your friends.

You had caught up to them in the great hall and sat next to Draco. "Where have you been?" Pansy asked before you even sat down.

"Give her a chance Pans, she ain't even sitting yet," Blaise laughed.

You giggled along with them and tried to ignore her question.

"So?" Prodded Millicent.

You sighed. "I went to go speak with Harry, but McGonagall interrupted and took him somewhere." You shook your head in disappointment. You were over the feud and just wanted your brother back. You knew how hard it was going to be to apologise for all the things you said, but you needed him and the hole in your heart where he used to be was growing and nothing could fill it. "Took him and Weasley to see something..." you trailed off as you started piling food onto your plate.

"There's something you might want to know," said Blaise suddenly serious.

You looked between all of your friends as one of them spoke next.

"Granger's been petrified," said Draco, and the urge to laugh filled you as you swallowed the feeling away.

"Her and Penelope Clearwater," chimed Pansy.

A few days later, Hagrid had been taken from Hogwarts. You found out it was because people thought it was him who was petrifying people.

You felt bad for Hagrid. You had always liked him. You knew he would never do such a thing. Especially to Granger.

Harry and Weasley weren't around much after the news of what happened to Granger had spread.

You were in the common room with your friends, curled into a ball reading your potions textbook. You were good at the subject but there were some potions you still didn't quite understand.

The conversation was flowing around you and you sighed in contentment. These were the days you enjoyed.

It was getting late and tiredness soon attacked your mind dragging your eyes closed.

You stood from your seat stretching and gave out a loud yawn.

"I'm going to bed guys, see you in the morning," you mumbled and you heard a chorus of 'goodnight' before trudging off to your dorm.

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