Chapter 8

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It's been a few months since you've been at Hogwarts. You and Pansy share a room in the girl's dorms in the dungeon, that's where Slytherin's common room and dorms are. 

You and your friendship group have gotten really close and they are your best friends. You don't spend much time with Harry as he is always with Ron and Hermione, they are now known as 'The Golden Trio'.

 Professor Snape was one of your favourite teachers, even though most students were terrified of him. Professor Quirrell was a whole different story, you hated him. He gave you the creeps but you never knew why. 

It was dinner time in the great hall and you were enjoying your meal. You sat at the Slytherin table next to Draco and Pansy with Crabbe and Goyle opposite you. 

"What do we have after this?" You asked taking a bite of your chicken. 

"Double potions with Snape I think" Draco shrugged. 

"He favours us anyways," Pansy smiled. 

"Because he loves us and we're amazing," Goyle added as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and Crabbe laughed along with him. 

"He hates us," you laugh. "The only reason he favours us is that we are Slytherins and he is the head of our house," you finish with a chuckle. 

"Y/n he hates you the most, and your twit of a brother" Draco pointed out. Draco had slowly become your best friend out of the whole group. You felt like you could be yourself around him and you didn't know why. 

"Is it that obvious Dray?" You laughed and rolled your eyes. You were the only one allowed to call him Dray. He liked it, but if anyone else called him that it didn't sound right to him. Everyone started to laugh especially when you didn't defend Harry. From the corner of your eye, you saw Hermione stand and leave the great hall.

You loved Harry, he was your twin, but lately, he has made it pretty easy to hate him. He never has time to spend with you. He always makes bad remarks at you and your friends when you're in class or in the corridors and it was starting to really get to you, so you never defended him when your friends said things about him and he never defended you when his friends said things about you. 

"TROLL!" Came Professor Quirrell's voice. He burst through the doors of the great hall. He was so out of breath that he could hardly speak. "There's... a... troll in the dungeons" after that he collapsed in the middle of the room. 

Everyone started to panic but for some reason, you didn't feel the need to. You knew you and your friends would be okay, even if the troll was down by your common room. As Dumbledore instructed all prefects to take the students back to their common rooms, the Slytherin table burst into complaints.

"But the troll is down by our common room!" One girl, you think her name was Millicent, shouted. At that Dumbledore instructed our prefect to take us to the library. 

You and your friends stood and started to walk away when you saw Harry and Ron had stopped. You heard Harry tell Ron that Hermione was in the girl's bathrooms by the dungeons and they started running off in that direction. 

You thought about following then for a second then thought against it. "If they want to go up against a Troll and get themselves killed then count me out." You thought to yourself. 

"Y/n let's go!" Draco said as he grabbed your hand and you started running to catch up with the rest of your house. 

In the library, you and your friends found a table big enough for the five of you but small enough so no one else could join. You hated everyone else in your house. They gave the Slytherins their bad name and that disgusted you. It disgusted you that all Slytherins were tarred with the same brush and none of you could make your own reputation.

"Did you see the look on Quirrell's face?" Pansy laughed. 

"No wonder he fainted," Added Goyle. 

"Probably crapped his robes." Finished Crabbe. Everyone around your table was laughing but you couldn't get the thought of Harry being in danger out of your head. 

"Y/n what's wrong?" Draco whispered to you.

"I saw Harry and Weasley run in the direction of the troll to go after Granger." You explained.

"Potter is going to be fine Y/n/n. Even though I hate to admit it he's an okay wizard." You could see that it physically pained Draco to admit that and you chuckled slightly. "You ever tell him I said that and I'll hex you" He warned with a slight laugh in his voice. 

You put your hands up in mock surrender and shook your head with a massive grin on your face. "Wouldn't dream of it, Dray. But deep down you like my brother," you teased him. 

"As if!" He scoffed and you both laughed. 

For the next few hours, you were all stuck in the library until Professor Snape came and told you all to go back to your common room. 

You didn't hear anything else about the troll or about Harry so you decided to go to bed. 

"I'll see you guys in the morning, night guys" You called as you started up the stairs to your dorm. 

"Night Y/n" They all called back. 

You got to your room that you shared with Pansy, undressed your robes and got into your pyjamas. Being down in the dungeons, your rooms were freezing. You got into bed and wrapped yourself in as many blankets as you could and went to sleep. 

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