Chapter 13

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You found your friends waiting for you on platform 9 3/4 next to the train. 

"Y/N!" Pansy squealed as she broke from the group and ran into your arms. You ended up picking her up as she wrapped her legs around your waist. "A true best friend hug," You thought to yourself.

You laughed into Pansy's hair as she squeezed you even tighter. "Hey P, I need to breath." You choked out with a chuckle. 

"Sorry," she laughed as she moved away from you so your other friends could greet you. Millicent and Blaise came next and both hugged you excitedly. 

Draco stood back and smiled as he watched the huge smile on your face. He loved that smile and would do anything to see it. Even though he was only twelve, he knew what feelings were and he knew he had some for you, but he was too afraid to admit them. He thought you would never feel the same way about him.  

Once Millicent and Blaise had returned to Pansy, Draco smirked and walked up to you next. He hugged you tight and you wrapped your arms around his waist. "I missed you, love," He whispered in your ear. 

You could feel your cheeks heat up and your heartbeat quicken. "I missed you too Dray." You smiled into his chest. You both let go of the hug, even though neither of you actually wanted to, and you all boarded the train and found an empty compartment to sit together. 

While on your way to Hogwarts you all laughed and smiled and shared what you did over the summer. You told them that you had gotten a letter from Draco before you left Hogwarts and you could see his cheeks go red out of the corner of your eye. You're pretty sure that Zabini noticed it too. 

You explained to them that you would read the letter when you felt alone and they all gave you sad smiles. Then you told them all about the night Harry caught you with the letter and everything that was said between you both. 

Once you were done you sighed and put your head in your hands. "I'm gonna kill him," Draco seethed and Blaise mumbled in agreement. 

"Guys it's fine. I can handle Potter on my own," You smirked mischievously. 

"Y/n. I've been wondering... Why do you call him Potter instead of Harry? I-I mean I know why Draco and the others do it but why do you?" Millicent asked curiously.

You shrugged your shoulders unsure of the answer. "I dunno, I've only been calling him Potter since our whole war began. I guess it's easier to say Potter cause it reminds me that he's still my brother whether we like it or not and... I guess that just gives me comfort." You shrugged with a small smile. You were glad you finally got that off your chest and you felt like a whole weight had been lifted. 

"He'll come to his senses, love, I'm sure he will. How could he live without you?" Draco asked rhetorically giving you a small wink that no one else noticed and your cheeks started burning. 

"Thank you, Dray," You said with the most sincere smile you have ever smiled in your whole life. 

You noticed the three opposite you were whispering amongst themselves and you started to get curious. "What are you three whispering about?" You narrowed your eyes at them. 

Draco caught them too and gave them a questioning look with a raised eyebrow. 

"Nothing," They all spoke at once, and way too quickly. They were definitely up to something and you were determined to find out what. 

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