Chapter 18

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The image above is Y/n's scar that she got form Moldy Voldy. Just imagine it's on her chest. Yes I know it's a lot more detailed than Harry's and there is a reason for that. You're just going to have to trust me. But it won't be explained any time soon. I know, I'm horrid. Have fun.


The Leaky Cauldron was practically empty. The man lead us both up the stairs to a room and opened the door for us.



Me and Harry breathed when we saw our owls perched in the room.

"Right smart birds you got there Mister and Miss Potter. They arrived here just five minutes before yourselves," the man explained.

I practically ran to Ebony and started stroking her feathers.

Someone cleared their throats and the man practically pushed us into the middle of the room and pushed us each into a chair.

"As the Minister for Magic it is my duty to inform you Mister and Miss Potter, that earlier this evening your uncle's sister was located just south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched and she's been properly punctured and her memory modified. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. So that's that, and no harm done," The Minister explained as he made his way over to us both.

"Pea soup?" The minister offered.

"No thank you," we both said.

"Um, Minister, I don't understand," Harry started.

If I'm being honest, I didn't understand what was going on either. I was just rolling with the punches at this point.

"Understand?" the Minister asked.

"Well, we broke the law, Sir. Underage wizards and witched are not allowed to use magic at home" I explained Harry's confusion.

"Oh come now Harry, and you Y/n, the Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their Aunt," the minister chuckled. "On the other hand, running away like that, given the state of things was very, very irresponsible."

"The state of things Sir?" Harry asked.

"We have a killer on the loose," He explained.

"Sirius Black, you mean?" I interrupted. "But what's he got to do with us?"

The Minister chuckled slightly. "Nothing of course."

For some reason I felt like he was lying to us. I couldn't help but think that Sirius Black had everything to do with us.

"You're both safe. That's all that matters, and tomorrow you'll be on your way back to Hogwarts. Oh these are your new school books. I took the liberty of having them brought here for you. Now Tom will show you to your room," He gestured to the man that had brought us here.

Without another word, Tom gripped us both and half dragged us out of the room. We both called our owls and the Minister gave us a warning not to wander around.

We were sharing a room.

Once we had been shown our room, I looked around and it was bare except two beds, a wardrobe, a small table and two chairs.

Not wanting to think more about this night, I said a quick goodnight and went straight to bed.

The next morning, I got up extremely early. There was so much noise outside and I couldn't get back to sleep. I got dressed. I stared at my chest, at the reminder of how my parents died.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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