Chapter 9

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You woke up the next day to Pansy and a few of the other girls that shared your room talking in hushed whispers. 

You sit up in your bed, yawned, grabbed your robes and groggily walk to the bathroom which you were pleased that no one was occupying. 

When you finished brushing your teeth, getting dressed and fixing your hair you walked back out feeling much better in your Slytherin uniform. Green has always been your favourite colour. 

"Looks like the princess is up and ready," Pansy joked. 

"Sod off, Pansy," You laughed. "What time is it anyway?" You ask her while getting your shoes on. 

"8:30" She replied. 

"Then hurry up or we'll miss breakfast." You said in a warning tone. Pansy knew what you were like when you didn't have any food. You were horrible. 

One morning she had made you late for breakfast and you were in a right mood all day. You almost punched Draco, but he caught your hand, all because he gave you a quizzical look and asked you what was wrong. Since then all your friends have always made sure you were at all meals on time or early. 

Pansy came out of the bathroom ten minutes later all dressed and ready to go. "Let's go. I'm not having you randomly swinging me at any point today." She chuckled walking towards the door. 

When you entered the Slytherin common room you saw the three boys all sitting on the couches and chairs waiting for you. 

"Took you long enough, c'mon let's go I am not in the mood to deal with a cranky Y/n today," Draco said with a smirk as he saw you and Pansy walking down the stairs. 

"Hey! The next person to say something about my mood or about that time I nearly punched Dray, will be getting punched and I will be in a mood for the rest of the day regardless of if I have food or not." You warned. Your voice carried a light and joking tone but your eyes conveyed how serious you actually were. 

You walked out of the common room and left all four of them there with dumbfounded looks on their faces. You turned and gestured for them to follow you and you saw Draco's face turn to his iconic smirk that you can't help but always smile at. 

Walking into the great hall you all found your seats and started eating. Your gaze wandered around the hall and you found yourself looking for your brother. You didn't spot him anywhere. 

It was getting close to the holidays now and you wanted to make things right between you both before Christmas. After searching the entire Gryffindor table with your eyes you were about to give up when you saw him walk through the doors along with Weasley and Granger. 

"Well, there goes my plan to talk to him," You thought and you rolled your eyes. 

Draco noticed you rolling your eyes and gave you a questioning look. You pointed to The Golden Trio and he rolled his eyes too. 

You were just glad that he wasn't dead after chasing that troll last night. You bit into a piece of toast and zoned back into the conversation happening at your table. 

"...He was bloody well stupid if you ask me." You caught Pansy saying. 

"Who are you talking about?" You ask taking a sip of your pumpkin juice. 

"Your dingbat brother," Draco answered. 

You rolled your eyes. "What has the jerk done now?" you asked with hatred in your tone.

"He went after the troll last night to save the mudblood." Goyle piped up.

"If it was me I'd have let the troll have her," Crabbe said.

"Oh thanks, Crabbe, at least we know we will always be safe with you," You said sarcastically. 

It was a Saturday so you didn't have any classes today. After breakfast, you and your friends all headed back to your common room to chill out for the rest of the day. 

On your way there, you spotted Harry walking on his own. "Go ahead guys, I'll catch up," you said to the group as you slowed down. Draco was the only one that turned to you and you reassured him that everything was fine with just one look. 

"Harry... wait!" You yelled after him. You heard him grunt as he slowed down and turned to face you. 

"What do you want Y/n?" He deadpanned. You were taken aback by his tone and almost swung for him as you reminded yourself to calm down. 

"Well, I wanted to know if you were alright? I heard you went after the troll last night and-"

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" He spat.

"Because Harry, I may be in Slytherin and you may be in Gryffindor but I am still your sister first and foremost!" You could feel your temper rising as your voice got louder. 

Students walking past were giving you both strange looks and you knew that everyone would be talking about the Potters argument later. 

"Well, you haven't exactly been acting like it have you?" He shot back. That remark hurt the most. He was the one that was pushing you away. 

"Harry you are my brother and you always will be. How can you be such a JERK?!" you screamed at him. 

"I dunno Y/n, maybe it has something to do with those friends of yours. Can't stand any of them. Especially Malfoy." his tone was sarcastic and malicious and you hated this side of your brother. 

"You don't even know any of them, Harry. Dray is one of the best people that I know and he's my best friend." You were close to tears now and you were struggling to keep them at bay.

"Dray?" he spat the name as if it was poison on his tongue. "I can't believe you," he scoffed. 

"Y/n? What's going on? Are you okay?" You knew that voice anywhere and you felt the tears fall from your eyes. 

"As if you actually care Malfoy" Harry rolled his eyes. 

"I actually do care about your sister Potter. She's my best friend and you have just made her cry. I may not like you Potter but she loves you. You are her brother so quit acting like a self pretentious quim." Draco practically yelled. 

"Dray-" You placed your hand on his arm that he was pointing in Harry's face. He looked like he wanted to strangle Harry right there on the spot. "-it's alright let's just go back to the common room." You sighed as you turned around and headed to the dungeons. 

Your mood was sour for the rest of the day and you didn't speak to anyone except Dray. 

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