Chapter 16

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It was getting closer to the end of the school year and you still hadn't made things right with your brother and it was eating you up inside.

You had heard that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened and it had taken the youngest Weasley. You knew your brother would try and be the hero again, so you stayed out of his way.

It was the day before the end of the school year and you were sat for dinner with your friends.

"I heard Potter saved that Weasley girl from the chamber," Pansy said as she dug into her food.

You rolled your eyes and Draco scoffed. "Always pretending to be the hero," he spat.

"He kind of was this time Draco," Blaise pointed out.

As they were talking you scanned the Gryffindor table and found your brother sat with Weasley. Granger was still nowhere to be found. Last you heard she was in the hospital wing.

Harry had cuts and bruises all over his face and you began to wonder what exactly he went through down in the chamber. You felt guilty that you weren't there for him. He might have been older than you by a few minutes, but he was still your twin brother.

"Guys, can we talk about something other than my brother?" You groaned out.

He was always the topic of conversation and it made you feel worse about how things had happened between you.

Just then the great hell doors swung open and every head in the hall snapped to the entrance to see what happened.

Hermione Granger stood there with a huge smile on her face. She was no longer petrified.

You saw your brother and Weasley stand from their seats and run towards her with smiles that matched hers.

You ignored the spectacle, shaking your head, and went back to eating your food. Your eyes stung with unshed tears.

You missed him. You missed that smile. You missed his laugh. You just missed your twin. Almost two years without him was hurting you.

Draco noticed the change in your mood first.

"You should try and talk to him again," he suggested.

"What's the point? He obviously doesn't miss me, Dray," you sighed.

"Yeah, that's why he's staring at you right now," Blaise chuckled.

You looked up and noticed Harry was staring at you. You gave him a small smile and he gave you one in return.

"Can we talk after?" you mouthed to him and he nodded his head.

A huge smile crept onto your face as you finished your dinner with your friends.

You were finally going to make things right with Harry.

Once you had finished your dinner you stood from your seat. "I'll meet you in the commons, I have something I need to do," you announced.

They nodded their heads, knowing that you were going to see your brother.

You turned to leave but felt cold fingers wrap around your wrist. You turned and saw Draco staring at you.

"Want me to come with you?" He asked. You could tell he was concerned.

His concern was understandable. Every time you had talked to Harry in the past two years always ended up in an argument. But this was something you had to do alone.

"It's okay, Dray. We need to do this alone," you reassured him you were going to be fine with a warm smile.

He nodded his head and let go of your wrist.

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