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"Where are we going now?"

We were in car again and again neither of brothers seemed like telling me where are we going.

"You'll see." 

What a suprise, I definetly didn't expect answer like this. We left restaurant a while ago and I had no idea of where are they taking me now. Not that I mind it too much, even if I knew it woudn't change a thing. I sigh a bit and leaned my head against car window, when suddenly Rindo, who sat next to me this time, warped his hand around my shoulders and pulled me to him, making me rest my head on his shoulder. I looked at him a bit suprised. He smiled.

"It's more comfortable like this isn't it?"

I slightly nooded and relaxed a bit. I haven't sleep much at night and now I was getting tired. With my head on Rindo's shoulder and his warm hand still warped around me feelt suprisly comfortable and calm. Before I even realised it I was already falling asleep.


I don't know how long I was asleep but car just stopped when I woke up. 

"Our sleeping beauty is up."

I immediatly pulled away from Rindo a bit alarmed that I slept on his shoulder this whole time. He steched probably stiff from sitting in same position whole time.

"Good morning (y/n)."

He grinned at me. 

"I was worried that I'll have to carry you out of car."

I could hear Ran laught from front seat. 

"Oh Rindo, we all know that you wanted to carry her."

Rindo looked at me with mischief smile. 

"Who say that I can't do it now?"

He got out of car and before I could react he alredy opened door on my side. I let out  a small scream when he catched me in his arms and carried me out of car. I instictivly warped my arms around his neck to make sure I won't fall. I could hear him lauth at my reaction. I looked around, apeneatly we left city. We were in forest, well that's just great. When I moved my head a little more I noticed house. It wasn't too big but it seemed like one of these damn expensive houses. Ran, who got out of car by now, noticed my gaze and bowed with his arms wide open.

"It' s pleasure for us to welcome you in our modest residence, my lady."

Modest? Even if I saved up money all my live I probably coudn't affort something like this. Ran laughted when he saw my expresion and headed inside. Rindo followed after him, still carring me in bridal style. Inside of house was no less expensive looking as outside. 

"Do you like it here (y/n)?"

Rindo leaned to me and I slightly noded, it was indeed nice hause. 

"We wanted to have some privaci so this place is perfect."

Hearing him say it like this made me shiver a bit. I doubt that they'd hurt me at least not now, it was more of habit. When someone wanted to have privaci on place like this in middle of the woods it usually ment trouble. Rindo didn't noticed it and if he did he acted as if notihing happened. He carried me to couch and put me down on it, with him on top of me. He leaned to me and his long hair tickled me when he sucked his lips to my neck. I let his hands find their way under my shirt and after while it lay on floor next to his jacket. His hands explored my whole body while he still filled my neck with kisses and gentles bites. 

"Oh, leaving me out again?"

I catch glimps of Ran comming to us unbottioning his shirt. So both of them ... Rindo pulled closer to me and warped his whole body around me while not breaking eye contact with Ran.

Little Kitten (Sanzu, Ran, Rindo x (y/n))Where stories live. Discover now