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We walked through the open double doors to our house, muttering a few quick greetings to the other pack members. Our pack was our closest thing to family and they were free to walk in and out of the house as they wanted. Whatever was mine and Alec's was theirs aswell. Always something going on. I loved the closeness of it. The house was never desolute. I hated being by myself.The strong friendships we had formed through the years is what had kept me going. Mia was strolling down the stairs, Megan beside her as they were engaged in an animated conversation. She looked toward me and caught my eye, raising an eyebrow in question. 'Later' I mouthed in promise. Mia was the one person I was the closest to. Her along with Jace, were two I trusted the most. Excluding Alec of course. I felt an uncomfortable tug in my chest as I thought about him.

My brother had changed the last few years. Ever since the attack, it was almost like his heart had transformed to pure solid stone. We rarely had our moments of lightness anymore and when we did it didn't last long. He had been appointed Alpha a year ago, before that our uncle had taken the role of Alpha while Alec grieved and just wasn't ready. Since then, he took being a leader very seriously. He didn't even blink twice when we found a rogue in our woods last month, he just killed him and carried on. I hated it. I hated the fact a life meant nothing to him anymore, if it had been before the attack, my parents would have granted the rogues mercy, given them a fair warning and left them live. I tried to be there at times when I figured out he had captured another wolf, to try to calm him down and give the rogue a chance. Before I graduated three weeks ago, I used to have to sprint out of class whenever I could sense his wolf growing increasingly angry. It was strange, whenever either of us had overwhelming emotions, the other would always just..know somehow. The feeling couldn't be explained but we knew what it meant when it happened and it was a blessing, I had managed to save four rogues so far these past few months. We both knew he was just taking his anger out on the wrong people, lashing out as he waited to get his revenge on our main target. The Lupei pack. Even the name set my blood boiling, my hands shaking with pure raw anger. They were the only ones I wanted to see dead, they were the ones that deserved what would be coming for them. As usual, I felt myself becoming overwhelmed and done the usual routine. Breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, I slowly unclenched my hands and began to push out all my anger fueled thoughts.

Jace was in Beta mode. He walked with brisk determined strides. Any trace of amusement was gone from his face as he nodded in greeting to the rest of the pack. There would be no jokes and laughter for now. I didn't know who else was going to be present in Alec's office. From what I could see, everyone else seemed to be oblivious, carrying on with their personal errands. My curiosity peaked, what could it be that was making him call a last minute meeting?

We made our way down the long corridor until we reached the large door at the end. Jace raised his hand to rap on the door but I just pushed it open and let myself in. Alec raised his head on our entrance. I started as he fixed me with eyes empty of any emotion. There were dark rings under his eyes and he didn't look like the young twenty three year old man he was. All the pressure he was under was affecting him and I wasn't the only one who noticed. I glanced at Jace and saw him frowning slightly as he took in his Alpha's ragged appearance but he quickly masked it, no doubt knowing that it would not end well if he was caught.

Alex quickly nodded towards the tow chairs situated in front of his desk.

***JACE'S P.O.V***

I regarded the alpha with growing concern. He looked almost sickly as he looked at the far wall, seemingly collecting his thoughts.


I looked beside me, unsurprised that Cora had broken the short silence. She was never one for being patient. Her amber eyes regarded him intently, her lips pursed as she waited, more like demanded an answer from her older brother. I brought my eyes back to the Alpha's stony face. What had happened? The alpha was like his sister in the way that they both had a very short temper but still, there was more to it than that. I could feel the tension in the air.

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