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I had tried and tried to get more information out of them but they just looked at me with these knowing eyes that creeped me out to no end and eventually I couldn't take it in that stifling cabin anymore and had stormed out. I would leave it to Jace and the others to try to get more out of them but something told me that they had said what they had planned on saying and that was it. No more information on the Nightshade pack. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Could they be lying? I had never heard of that pack. And I made it my business to know about every pack that came within a hundred mile radius. I hoped and hoped each few months that 'that' pack would move closer but so far it hadn't happened. Nobody we had interrogated over the past few years had know where the Lupei pack territory was. Whether they moved around or whether they knew how to hide their tracks. Who knew. They could be right under our noses for all we knew. The simple thought brought a wave of anger coursing through me. We hadn't seen them in their human form either that night so we didn't even know what they looked like. I could walk past them on the street every week for all I knew. We wouldn't have even known what pack it was that had attacked us that night unless our Uncle had recognised the Lupei pack scent. He had crossed paths with them before, how he never would tell us.

I felt my panic levels raising as flashbacks of the night flashed through my memory, each picture hurting like a knife in my chest. No, I wouldn't get worked up, not here, not now. I needed to go and find Jace, I didn't feel like facing Alec yet today. We both needed some time to cool off.


I parked the car, blocking in one of the others trucks in my haste. Throwing the keys back on the dashboard I jogged towards the house. The smell of barbecue filled the air and my stomach growled. Looking at my watch, I realised it was 6:00pm already and my stomach grumbled at the realisation. God, I hadn't eaten since this morning. This would be nothing if I was still human but when your a werewolf teenager... Your appetite grows... A lot. Especially being in a pack where food is some huge deal and in the evening when we sit down to eat you need to grab what you want in two seconds flat before one of the guys will grab it after already eating about 7 burgers. I had Mia on my case enough that I was too thin. With all the training, I had a stronger, toned body but I still could have done with gaining a bit of weight I supposed. Nothing worse than a girl with no meat on her bones, as said by Jace Blakewood.

Guilt swept through me when I thought about how we had left things today. How I had left things. God help me, when I was on a mission, no one would stop me. It still bothered me that he could disregard his thoughts on something just for Alec though. Deep down I had know since Istormed out of the office that Jace wasn't keen on the idea of killing the rogues himself. But I suppose I was the one in the wrong in the end, wasn't I ? I was the fool who always looked for the the good in people. Never worked out but still I carried on, the stubborn medusa I was, also as said by Jace Blakewood.

I don't even know where he had gotten it from but Jace being the randomer he is had started calling me Medus ever since I had turned into a wolf those months back. During the transformation it was painful and I went from biting people's heads off to being fine with them. Therefore he called me Medus, which was Latvian for honey. And when I was acting like the hormonal wolf I was, he would called me Medusa. Hence the nickname. Which made no sense whatsoever but then who would Jace be if he wasn't like that? Guilt stabbed me again as I went in through the house. I needed to apologise. The house was empty but I could hear animated shouting and commotion coming from out back so I guessed they were all out their having their 'family' barbecue. Doubt began to play across my mind, Should I tell them? Would he be really mad? Wouldn't stress the pack out too much to have to deal with another possible enemy? What if the wolves were rogues, just wannabe's and made the whole thing up to cause some extra drama. I stopped myself before I let my doubt influence what I had to do. I needed to tell them.

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