Meeting with the rogues

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I made it to the cabin in record time. From the rare passerbys that did come around this part of the outskirts of town, it appeared like a large comfy-cozy family cabin. It was a dark wood with two small windows on either side of the large wooden door and a thatched roof. The windows were blocked with metal bars on the inside and blackout blinds blocked the metal bars so nobody could see in if they tried. Nobody would guess that inside that family cabin was cold hard,concrete floors, a damp ceiling and four colossal steel cages that could fit eight in each one. Our pack had one witch in the town over that was the only witch we would trust enough when we needed 'outside' help that was beyond our powers. She had cast a spell in the cabin so that the steel could not be damaged in any way, shape or form. Once you were locked in one of the cages, there was no way out unless the alpha allowed it. Which never happened, I thought bitterly. I hopped out of the car and walked with quick strides. Alec could show up at any minute, I was guessing that's the first thing his beta had done, run and tell his superior that his little sister was up to no good. All I was doing was hearing them out, I just needed to know whether they were innocent rogues or not. In a way, I was 'interrogating' them. I smirked to myself, realising I already had my excuse if Alec came running. I wasn't in the wrong, just simply doing what he asked of me. Besides, he should be the one apologising, not me.

Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the cabin and pushed the door wide open. A lone gas lamp was situated on the floor, as far away from the cages as possible. As a result, the room was so dimly lit I could barely make out the other people in here. I could sense their prescence and the closer I got, the more I could make out their silhouettes. I knew I had not been aquainted with them before as there scent was unknown to me. There were six all in cage nearest the corner. Three were sitting down but immediately stood up and joined the others when they noticed my prescence. My werewolf eyes quickly adjusted to the light and I took in the prisoners wordlessly. Two females, four males. They all stared me down unblinkingly. Not a trace of fear or bewilderment in their eyes, the two females began to growl, eyes blazing as they each took a step forward. The three males simply stared, no expression in their faces, the only indication they showed was their posture. Legs apart in fighting stance, hands stiff at their sides.

The silence dragged on as I thought of which way to go about this.

"What were you doing on our territory?" I finally asked, deciding to just cut to the chase. My voice was calm and controlled as I said it and I was glad it was unwavering. I wanted to help them but I knew I couldn't unless I got the answer I needed.

The taller, blonde haired female hung back her head and laughed. The bitter, in humorous sound almost made me flinch. But I held my ground, crossing my arms as I waited for their answer. She stepped closer, her eyes cold and threatening again. Gripping the steel bars she stared at me, mouth pulled into a snarl.

"We had business to take care of", was all she offered before one of the males stepped forward and gripped her shoulder, forcing her to retreat. She refused to break eye contact and the look she was giving me made a shiver run down my spine.

Breaking contact with the angry female I brought my gaze to the male who had pulled her away.


" Were not telling you anything!" one of the males shouted.

"What would you be willing to compromise on if we give you the information you want?"

he asked, voice deep and wavering as I watched him try to control his anger. It seemed rage was all this little pack seemed to know. Gritting my teeth, I came to the realisation that these were not the innocent, inexperienced werewolves I had thought could be the case.

" You don't seem to realise your the one behind the reinforced steel, rogue. I want to know why your on my packs territory and I don't need to compromise, we both know your lives will be ended if you don't answer our questions", I growled.

He seemed to think over the situation they were in and I knew the second he decided because a fierce growl erupted from his throat. He lashed the steel bars in anger.


The rest of his friends looked at him in disbelief, but none spoke up. He must have been the boss of the group.

" Answer my question" I repeated. I knew now that I had made the mistake and I knew already that I would have to allow one of the others to come and interrogate them properly. I was just curious now as to what business matters they had that were so important as to walk into a death trap.

" We were ordered here to spy on your pack".

Shock coursed through me but I quickly masked it.

"By who" I pressed him, bringing my hands to my sides.

"Don't", the brown haired wolf beside him warned, his wary eyes not leaving mine.

Seconds passed and I knew by the two wolves distant expression that they were communicating telepathically.

"Your part of a pack" I murmered, realisation dawning on me.

" Yes we are, a pack much stronger than you that you have no chance of overpowering no matter what you get out of us!" the blonde haired girl shouted, breaking the two males out of their conversation. The brown haired male leant forward and whispered in her ear. She retreated back a step and nodded slightly. Her face revealed nothing and I felt myself growing more alarmed by my discovery. This was bigger than I had thought.

"The Nightshade pack" the male said, voice so low I only just caught onto his words.

I had never heard of that pack, they couldn't be from the surrounding area.

" Why were you sent to spy on us, Did you travel alone?", I needed to figure out what was going on, there could be more of them for all we knew.

" We are the only ones that crossed onto your territory, Our pack didn't think we needed much more than that, dealing with the'Moonstone pack' the female replied for him, sneering the name of our pack as she shot me a cruel smile.

"Why were you spying on us?" I repeated, not rising to her bait.

The leader of the group shook his head, " That's all we are saying".

I looked at him incredulously, " My pack will kill you if you don't give them the information they want!". They couldn't be that stupid could they? To risk their lives crossing onto our territory under an obvious enemy packs influence, and then to endanger themselves further my ignoring our questions?

He smirked, raising his eyes to mine.

" We knew we were dead either way the minute you walked in here" he said, voice calm as if we were engaging in a regular conversation rather than their lives.

Confusion crossed my features as I looked from face to face, their faces all holding the same weird sense of finality as if they had come to terms with it all along.

" Then why did you tell me anything if you knew what the outcome would be either way" I asked. Something felt off, unsettling.

He gave me one last sinister smile as he raked his eyes over my body, trying to intimidate me,

" You'll see" was all he offered.

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