Pack life

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I ducked the blow and landed a sharp kick into my opponents abdomen. I received an immediate punch to the side and felt the air whoosh out of me. I grabbed his arm and wrenched it, kicking him away so I could regain my fighters stance. He grunted in pain but quickly spun around, my hand now held captive under his gasp. I was pushed out of the way just managed to dodge what would have been a very sore hit to the shoulder. I jumped forward, landing my elbow into his collarbone sharply. I kneed him into the abdomen and felt a brief moment of satisfaction at his moan of pain. Suddenly strong arms gripped me around the waist and squeezed. I struggled to get out of his grasp and without warning he let me go, causing me to stumble onto the floor. Deciding to stop playing fair I lunged forward, shooting my leg out I kicked his ankle making him lose his equilibrium. He tripped forward and I jumped onto his back, causing him to topple. Realising I hadn't thought this out well I shrieked as he flung me over his shoulder and onto the hard ground. I groaned as all the air left my body again, arms sprawled on the floor as I tried to keep in my moans of pain. Laughter rang through the air and I opened my eyes, glaring at the offender. Without thinking twice I lashed out my leg and swept him off his feet. With a short shout of surprise he landed right on top of me. Another thing I hadn't thought through.

" Jace, get off of me!" I shouted, laughing as I struggled under his grasp.

Jace released his weight off of me but didn't get up instead resting his hands on either side of me as he grinned mischievously at me.

"Jace, what are you planning!" I asked him, a wary expression flitting across my face as I tried to figure out what was going through that head of his.

He gave me a sly smile and I gulped watching him cautiously. Suddenly he knelt, legs straddling me as he jammed his hands to my sides, tickling me.

"Jace, stop it! You know I hate when you do this!" I cried, laughing involuntarily as I fought to pry his hands off of me.

"You know you love it Medus" he cooed,continuing his assault. I screeched as he found my sensitive spot above my hipbone and put all my strength into my next push. He flew off of me and crashed to the floor metres away.

"Crap! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" I scrambled up and ran over to him, offering him a hand.

" Jeez , I know you like to play rough but seriously, you have got to learn how to control those raging hormones of yours when your around me. Even though lets be honest. I know you won't be able to" he replied sarcastically, winching as I went to pull him this feet. Glaring, I let go of his hand mid air and smirked as he fell back on his butt, a surprised 'oomf' escaping his lips.

" I'm sure I'll be able to next time Jace. Even though I will admit, it's going to be pure utter torture, but I'll do it for you" I answered him mockingly. Leaving him to fend for himself I began walking away only to have him come into step with me a few seconds later.

I did feel bad that I had lost my control, again.The Lowell bloodline was made up of warriors and alphas all down the line. Every now and then I got a quick burst of strength when my emotions or energy levels were running too high, that even scared me a little. In this case, it was the torture of tickling, Next I'll be knocking people out for so much as brushing past me. I was getting stronger as the time passed. Usually, Jace being the beta, he would easily be able to match my fighting skills. Obviously he wasn't expecting my surprise reflex. In my defence, neither was I.

We made our way through the packs training area situated in a secluded part of our forest. We had to train three to four times a week. Strict orders from our Alpha. He wanted us to be skilled and capable in our human form rather than completely depending on our werewolves. If anything was to happen and we were injured which would mean we would immediately lose our hold on our wolves and shift back to our human form, he wanted us to still have a fighting chance. It was deserted apart from Jace and I. We always came earlier before the others arrived at least once a week so we could have time to train ourselves and not have to have others watching. Jace doesn't hold back and neither do I so we tend to injure each other, a lot. The other wolves usually gathered around and watched for a few minutes and sometimes it just caused an unnecessary distraction.

"what are you thinking?".

I glanced beside me, brow raised at Jace.

He shrugged, looking into the distance at nothing in particular.

" What? I can usually read people like an open book. I can never tell with you. Can you blame me for wanting a sneak peek into your evil, mischievous mind?".

Jace looked at me, head slightly tilted at the height difference. 6'3" versus my 5'8" and grinned, his emerald eyes dancing with amusement.

I gave him a sly grin, " Aagh but then you'd know all my conniving plans wouldn't you?" I replied.

Jace threw his hands up in exasperation, a look of mock horror on his face, " Oh we can't have that!".

We reached the edge of the training area and I looked out at the expanse of think towering trees and underbrush. I glanced at Jace and found he was already giving me 'that' look. We were both thinking the same thing. I took off at a sprint, hearing him follow in pursuit only a second afterward. I weaved in and out of the trees and hopped over fallen branches and underbrush. Jace caught up beside me and we ran side by side for a few seconds before a large oak tree made us both take opposite sides. Jace had left my field of vision and I gritted my teeth and urged myself faster. The dark green vast of the forest flew past me as I trampled on branches and pine needles, not trying to be stealthy at all. I couldn't have been making more noise. Jace of course, was silent as a stone. I didn't dare look around me. The last time I did that, he ran past me and beat me.

We came to the outskirts of the forest, closing in on our finishing line. Suddenly the wind picked up and blew my hair into my face. I pushed it out of the way hastily but ended up slowing down because of it. Just as we reached the edge of the forest I just heard the crunch of a branch behind me and I had barely registered the sound when he flew past me, beating me to it by less than a second.

I halted as my feet left the last of the soft grass behind and struck the pavement of the small back road. I glared at Jace who was standing, arms on his side as he regained his breath. He had a triumphant look on his face and I stormed towards him, stopping a foot away.

" That is not fair!" I cried, breath coming in gasps as I tried to catch my breath. My annoyance thickened and I stomped my foot like a child. This is the way it always went with us. We were the two fastest members of our pack. The only competition we had was each other. We were also both as competitive as could be. Jace had had his fair set of tantrums when I beat him too. Now though, a sickly sweet smile spread across his face and he pouted jokingly.

" Aww is someone a sore loser? You should be used to it by now Medus" he said, snaking his arm around my shoulder. I shoved him away gruffly and quickened my pace, " I have beaten you just as much times as you have beaten me as a matter of fact" I said curtly, refusing to look over my shoulder at him.

" Okay, I'll be the bigger person here and admit it. You are awesome. I am also awesome. We are both equally awesome" he replied, catching up with my brisk pace he tugged my ponytail. I tried to keep the facade going to see if I'd manage to get anymore of his rare compliments but the minute I caught him waggling his eyebrows at me, I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"You are an utter fool Jace Blakewood" I muttered.

Whatever he was about to retort was cut off as we both received a call from our Alpha.

' Private meeting. Come back to the house. Now' his abrupt telepathic message entered my mind, he voice was devoid of any emotion, not giving anything away as it usually was. Only I could make out the anger underlining his words. Something was up, he was more serious than usual. I shot Jace a look and we both started running towards home.

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