Lungs being checked out and Talks

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Dr Anderson lead penny and Ellie back into the room and she showed Penny and Ellie what it said on Jones's medical records and they both questioned what the diagnosis was

So she answered there question and then said "So Jones and Ellie to be on the safe side as a precaution you'll both need your lungs checked"

Ellie nodded and said "But Jones is not going to like it"

"Mum will take you and I'll meet you afterwards" Sam said as he passed me to penny

I still held my teddy but was told to leave it behind just to be safe and I passed it to dad

Sam said "I'll look after Arlo I promise, also I might have a suprise for you if you go get your lungs checked out"

I nodded and penny held me tighter as we followed Ellie

Ellie volunteered to go first and I thanked her so did penny

Penny sat down to braid my hair to keep me distracted and gave me her phone aware that Sam Still had my phone

I was watching Netflix while Ellie got her lungs checked via a chest x-ray

It came back negative and Ellie was allowed to go but was lead to the observation room where Sam was waiting for them

Jones went in next and Penny was nearly made to stay and wait outside but she argued and they soon finally let her in after she showed them Jones's medical records

Penny held Jones's hand and ran a thumb over her knuckles as the chest x-ray happened which sadly by there reactions probably meant something bad but I wasn't paying attention anymore

I was then lead with penny to the obervasion room

Penny couldn't see Sam or Ellie so she laid me on the bed of my choosing, the one closest to the door I chose

Penny passed me her phone again and I contiued watching what I was watching while penny looked outside the room without venturing to far to see where Ellie and Sam had got to

Sam room Ellie to the garden to have a "Talk"

Ellie asked Sam "if he was okay"

"Just worried about Jones and you now they've mentioned you might have water in your lungs but there more sure Jones has water in her lungs" Sam freaked

"Sam calm or else in phoning penny" Ellie said

"Penny already knows hence why Jones is with her right now and I'll probably receive a phone call of her soon asking where we've got to soon" Sam gave a wet chuckle

Ellie offered him some tissues, he took them and wiped his eyes and face

"But anyway, you know how Jones sees you as her aunt" Sam said "Alongside Bronwyn"

She nodded

"Well, I'm thinking as well as having her family on hers including Steele as he's her grandad I was going to add you" Sam said "To the list of who she's to go to if something happens to parents"

Ellie looked at him

"Of course you don't have to it's just that Jones and you get on and"

Sam was looking at his feet nervous all of a sudden

"Of course I want you to put my name on her medical records Sam" Ellie said calmly "Also Jones will be fine Sam"

Sam looked up and made a note to tell Harry to add Ellie onto Jones's medical records before he wiped his face once again and said "But, what if she does have water in her lungs Ellie, she won't be able to breathe and now I kinda feel guilty for going cardiff"

"Excuse me Sam, hold on" Ellie said firmly "You know Jones doesn't blame you, she doesn't blame anyone, you know this, it was an accident"

Sam nodded

"So, if it's anyones fault it's mine as I kinda wanted to see how fast it was didn't expect choppy waters anyway, I suppose Jones would've finished her chest x-eat by now and will be wanting a certain Sam" Ellie said

Sam made sure he had his daughters teddy before they walked back inside and they saw penny breathe a sigh of relief

"Thought you escaped" Penny asked eyebrows raising up to say her point

"We didn't don't worry" Sam said as he slipped in and then said "Jones are you on mums phone?"

"Yep, don't have my phone so why not?" I say a smile appearing on my face since I appeared here at the hospital

Ellie sat on the other bed when Dr Anderson and Harry walked in

Harry gave Sam the new updated medical records and he gave it Jones who read it

It now read:

K P Jones - Medical record

Allergies - Sweetcorn, Strawberries, oranges and penicillin

Conditions - White coat syndrome

Trauma response - (ASK HARRY)

Age - 11

DOB: 5th of September 2013

Parents - Sam P Jones and Penny H C Jones

Relatives incase anything happens to parents - Norris Steele (Grandad), Charlie Jones (Uncle), Bronwyn Jones (Auntie), Sarah Jones and James Jones (Cosiuns), Ellie Phillips (Aunt)

I read it and they all kinda half expected the question of "What is white coat syndrome" but it never came

At the questioning looks she said "She had heard Dr Andrews tell Sam it before the x-rays we're nessicary thing for happen

Then I reread it and said "Ellie your on here"

"Yep" Ellie said as she winked to the other two adults in the room

They saw a smile and jones asked for a hug of her but said "come to me dads comfy"

They saw I was laying half on my dad half on the bed so me and Ellie high fived and I thanked her

Then Dr Anderson said we both needed to stay the night for overasioms and that Ellie had no water in her lungs and then said so sincerely that people would've missed it if not paying attention

"Jones you have water in your lungs" she said Sincerly

I blinked and curled up into my dad

That was enough news for me for one day and I was passed my teddy of my dad to

I didn't want to stay at the hospital any longer then I had to

They apologised before they left

But they did come back once the results had come back properly and they said to all in the room that I had a condition called Pulmonary Edema

Sam and Penny looked a bit confused and Ellie said "I'll help Jones's parents as I know what it is"

The parents sighed happily glad someone did understand it

Once they left again they saw Jones not asleep but head burried in her dads chest, Sam felt her pulse and said it's fast like really fast

Everyone else felt it to and agreed

Now they needed to calm Jones down

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