Snack time

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For snack Ellie had made some sandwiches and some soup for her knowing I wasn't so keen on soup as she was

As she ate I just looked at the food, the feeling of salt still there and getting more instant

I couldn't eat and I was getting raspy

"Hm Ellie" I call out

Ellie stopped and said "yeah?"

"I think somethings wrong with me, like really wrong" I say as I lick my lips in a hope to move the salt taste from my mouth

"What you mean?" Ellie asked growing concerned and she saw i hadn't eaten the sandwhiches she made me either so she wiped her mouth and walked over to me

"Hm let's say my tounge has salt on it" I say as I stuck my tounge out so I could show her

"No it doesn't but that looks dry and your throat does look red and sore and kinda itchy to" Ellie said "you drank and eaten today?"

"Yep a full English without beans and tomatoes as I hate them both" I smile "And I drank orange juice to"

Ellie heard me become raspy

"Maybe this isn't the time to tell you I fell off Neptune into the sea" I said scared she shout at me

"Calm Jones" Ellie said as I sagged into her

Ellie knew why I thought people would shout at me, it being a trauma response, a response Sam said sadly she wouldn't grow out due to what J did and P did and that time she been taken

"Can I check your breathing am I allowed to?" Ellie asked

I looked at her and nodded and said "you'll be careful won't you?"

"Very" she said as got a stephoscope out to check my beating of my heart before she put it away and laid me down on my back to check my breathing

It was raspy and now getting shallow

Hm, I kinda wanted dad now

Ellie sensed my unease and held my hand as I went to thrash but calmed as she squeezed my hand to keep me there

"Hm, your breathing is raspy and now shallow as well" Ellie said

"Tell me something I don't know" I joke

Ellie held me and grabbed her phone

A phone was to be needed to make sure what she thought we had to do was the correct thing to do, and Helen was the right person to call

Bold - Helen
Normal - Ellie

"Helen speaking?"
"Hey Helen can you just double check Jones for me?"
"Sure what's up?"
"Oh, she's got real shallow and raspy breathing"
"Noted anything else i should know before I double check her?"
"Yeah, she's complaing of a high level of salt on her tounge but there's none there"
"I have a feeling I know what it is"
"Well whatever it is she needs a hospital but I wanted another option before doing so"
"I know I told you to call me if you were ever in doubt anyway I'm on my way, I'm guessing she's not eating or drinking either?"
"No, the feeling of salt on her tounge is stopping her"
"Did she explain what happened to you?"
"Yeah she fell of Neptune into the rough sea, wait"
"I'm here, now and it figures out like your thinking what I'm thinking"
"If it's what it is, Sam and penny desperately need to be called"

The call ended and Helen walked in to see Jones sat up and starting at them

"She was getting panicky on the floor so hence why she's sat up, I'm guessing she wants her dad" Ellie said

"Well I kinda need her to lay down but can you check Sam's locker or even penny's, Sam normally leaves something for Jones here as well as the fire station if she needs him" Helen said as she laid me down

I gave Helen a weak smile and Helen said "hey Jones, you missing dad?"

I nodded but then regretted it as the feeling of salt remained on my tounge if not gotten worse

Helen checked my heating of my heart then did my breathing just as Ellie appeared with a stuff teddy

"Yep your right Ellie, her breathing is shallow and raspy and getting worse" Helen said as they saw me look at the teddy

"Well there was this in Sam's locker said Jones on it" Ellie said

"Yep, that's me teddy" I smile "Daddy's been looking for it"

Ellie passed it me and Helen said "She needs to go up like now and where's her parents"

"Cardiff" me and Ellie said in unison

"Okay I'll take you both up, Ellie call Dr Anderson while we drive and Jones" Helen said as I looked up "Please don't fall asleep"

"What me's tired" I say "Dad has my phone so"

"Once we're there I'll give you my phone" Ellie said as she picked me up and I curled up and made sure I held my teddy close and tight to me

Helen watched us get into Jupiter and Helen made sure I didn't drop my teddy which I had named Arlo

It had been with me since I met dad and dad gave it me the first day we stayed together hence why it was so precious to me and I would hate to loose him

Ellie drove off with her phone on speaker so she could speak to Dr Anderson and she explained the whole situation

Breathing issuesWhere stories live. Discover now