Next Day

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Penny and Jones had drifted off around 7am as Ellie and Sam started to stir and woke up at 8am

"Awh look at them Jones and penny are sleeping together" Ellie smiled

"It is quite cute, wonder when Jones woke up and did that as penny was once laying down"
Sam said

"They must've just done it while we were sleeping" Ellie said to him

Around ten mins Jones stirred and blinked to the sleep was gone

Sam and Ellie were still having quiet chit chat when they heard a soft Welsh word be muttered

"I only know two people who speak Welsh" Ellie said as she rose an eyebrow at Sam

"I didn't mutter it so Jones is awake" Sam said

And when they turned around they were met with Jones who looked slightly fearful and her eyes were wide

She also looked her mum up and down and smiled when she saw her dad and went to him after she made sure penny was okay

Sam held Jones and Ellie said "you okay Jones?"

"Yeah" came the quiet reply

"You had another nightmare?" Ellie asked

"Maybe" I quietly said

"We'll take that as a yes" Sam said

"You know me to well" I chuckle wetly

"So what was this one about?" Ellie asked

My eyes drifted to mum and then hovered there for a while before coming back

"About your mum?" Ellie asked confused

"No!" I defend her

"Sea?" Sam asked

"We'll half and half" I say as my eyes hover on mum again "She okay?"

"Yep she is just tired" Sam said as he ran a hand through my hair

"Well mum took me out in Neptune but the water was calm" I start "Mum checked it herself"

"I bet she did after all she has it drilled into us all" Sam chuckled

"But then out of the blue a storm erupted causing Neptune to turn over" I said

"This is like your first nightmare" Ellie said "just with the storm part"

"Yeah I suppose it is" I said "But I was with Neptune but mum wasn't"

"Your mum is always with Neptune so that be odd and very worrying if Penny wasn't with Neptune" Sam said as he kissed my head

"Also I want to go home" I said

"You can't not yet anyway Jones" Ellie said

"Awh, I wanna go home, cause I don't want to be here anymore" I said "Probably why I'm having nightmares"

"Sam? How we calm her?" Ellie asked

"Easy" Sam said as he rocked me for a while

I calmed a bit and Ellie let me held her hand and I squeezed it as I calmed

"Never been a fan of hospitals has she?" Ellie asked once I calmed

"Never has probably never will" Sam said

Then my next dose came and I scrunched my face up

"Look Jones, once it's done it's done" Ellie said

"I'd rather not" I said as I burried my face into my dad

"I suppose we'll have this every time her meds come" Ellie said

"Jones cymerwch eich meds os gwelwch yn dda" Sam said as he tried

I lifted my face up and I glared at him but muttered "iawn"

I took them and Sam passed the water quicker then the flash and I downed the whole bottle before penny woke up

"Keeping Jones entertained and calm are we?" Penny asked

They nodded

"Ellie apparently knows why my nightmares get so bad" I say confused

"Everyone who looks after you does but yes I do" Ellie said

"Cool" I say "Now escape"

"No Jones" They all said in unsion

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