Imagine#6- Seungho from MBLAQ

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Prompt Word: Hungry
Character/Person: Yang Seungho from MBLAQ
Song listened to while writing: 2NE1- Stay Together


Oh shisus, you knew how your boyfriend got when he was hungry. It was not a pretty sight, especially around his bandmates, because he would scold them for the silliest things, just because he was in a bad mood. Cranky. Grumpy. Curt. The correct term to use would be 'Bitchy', but you wouldn't go there.

Here you both were, at the restaurant waiting for over 45 minutes for your lunch when your boyfriend, MBLAQ's cool and stoic leader Seungho, was extremely hungry. Now when a normal person was starving, they would just whine and complain like his bandmates Mir and Joon, but no...your boyfriend has a very bad and not to mention annoying habit of getting irritable when hungry. At this very moment, he was very irritable, impatiently drumming the fingers of his right hand on the wooden tabletop. The look on his face was simply withering, if looks could kill, anyone in his warpath would be a pile of smoking ash right now.

His plump lips were pulled into a frown as he stared off out of the window that was near, his dark brows furrowed. You peered at him warily from your seat to his left in the curved booth.

"Seungho, the food should be here soon..." That was your attempt to put him in a better mood and soothe his irritation, but he only sighed in aggravation, turning his pretty light brown hues on you. "_____-ah, we have been waiting for a while and I'm really hungry." He said simply, frowning even more if that was even humanly possible.

Even while pissed, Seungho still remained to look calm and collected....not to mention sexy. One thing that you always loved about him had to be his great sense of style, always matching from head to toe and looking very spiffy at that. His bleach blond hair was not done up like normal, a recognizable style for him, instead it was brushed down framing his face while a navy blue hat rested on top of his head. He only wore a mid-sleeve blue and white striped V-neck shirt with light jeans and a pair of spiffy white sneakers.
"Well I could ask the waiter what's taking so long?" You offered, attempting to flag down the young guy who had barely paid your table any attention, due to the busy nature if the restaurant.

"Meh, don't bother. I won't tip that waiter though." His tone was serious and had an edge of annoyance to it...that was until you scooted closer to him in the circular booth. You then snagged his hand, intertwining your petite fingers with his long digits and let your other hand rest on his thigh. This action caused him to look over at you, a dark brow raised.

"I thought this would put you in a better mood..." You used your cutest voice and looked up at him mustering the most adorable face you could, blinking innocently. A small smile crossed his lips as he leaned down, capturing your glossed lips in a surprise kiss, well it was a surprise to you anyway!

Your eyes were just about to close felt something pinching your cheek. Surprised once again, you looked up to see a wide smile spread about Seungho's lips, hearing him chuckle at your response.

"Waaaahhh! Why did you do that?" You pouted, rubbing your cheek where he pinched it. He could only chuckle, a look of amusement on his face. "Kekeke, you looked too cute to resist."

You were about to complain a bit more but the waiter showed up. He balanced both of your meals on a tray, then placed the items in front of you both. Immediately, Seungho's face lit up, the delicious aroma and appearance of the food instantly brightening his mood.

After about a million apologies on the wait time and a promise of 25% off of the meal, Seungho was appeased and ate his food in elation, while you ate yours In a less quick and elated manner. You could only watch him from the corner of your eye, snickering to yourself at the rice that was resting on the corners of his plump lips.

When he finished, he gently placed a kiss to your cheek, a small smile on his lips. "I guess I can tip him..."He said, pulling out his wallet from his pocket. "Plus we got a discount, all is well that ends well I guess." You laughed, once again grabbing his hand and twining your fingers. With your other hand, you gently let your fingers swipe the stray rice off the corners of his mouth. This act caused him to immediately lick his lip, licking your finger in the process, a smirk forming on his lips. "Thanks..."

You stared up at him, marveling at how gorgeous he was until once again, you felt a pinch and a tug at both of your cheeks. This time you smacked his hands away, giving him a pouty glare.

"Seungho Oppa! Why do you always do that? It's annoying!" You stared at him expectantly waiting for an answer until he leaned over, a wide smile on his sexy lips and kissed you passionately, his tongue licking your bottom lip before pulling away. The look on his face was a mixture between affectionate and slightly lustful. You could only stare wide eyed with a few blinks.

"I show my love to you, darling, with pinches to your cheek." He then smiled, using aegyo in an uncharacteristic manner, his eyes closed for just a moment before licking his lips quickly.

"Omo, honey... you're so weird..."You knew your namja chingu was very strict and cold sometimes, often called Umma by his band mates and friends, but he was different with you. He treated you very sweetly and put up with your sometimes ditzy nature, always with a reassuring smile and a pinch to your cheek. So you can deal with his weird habits. You loved your Oppa too much anyway!So, this one is kind of funny. The cool and reserved leader of MBLAQ, Seungho, has some weird quirks, one of them being that when he gets hungry, or eats off schedule...he gets really irritable and bitchy. After the first prompt, immediately, the word 'Hungry' came to my mind and his name came to mind just as fast.

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