Stay 2 - MBLAQ fic.7

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"Joon you idiot, where did you put my jacket?" Seugho called out from the bedroom, as he franticly rushed through their walk in closet. Joon poked his head inside the room and smirked. "You threw it on the floor last night". Seungho frowned, when he saw that actually, the jacket was laying right besides the door. "Thanks" the older mumbled, and picked it up from the floor.

"So Seungho... What are you rushing for?" Joon asked, as he playfully wrapped his hands around the others thin waist, refusing to let go as Seungho tried to walk away. "Joonie, I'm busy right now and I really gotta go, I'll make it up to you tonight, okay?", Seungho said annoyed, but finished off in a more teasing and promising manner.

Liking the sound of it, Joon nodded in approval, turning face to the other. "We have a deal", he smiled, and ran his hand through his lover's hair, in the same time, pecking his big beautiful lips. "I'll see you tonight then" Seungho gave Joon another kiss in the lips, before he left the room.

Alone, already wanting more, Joon sat down at his bed. Laying back against the huge soft pillows, he already imagined all the ways Seungho would pay him back. He were sure he would love every second of it, their leader was very good at keeping his promises. Just laying down and taking it easy, Joon picked his phone up, and decided to entertain himself while Seugho was gone.

Sitting at the cafe with some friends, Seungho suddenly felt his phone vibrating. His lips pressed against eachothers into a thin line, ans the others noticied right away that something was wrong. "Yah, Seungho, relax, you dot have every day off!" they said, and elbowed him playfully.

"Sorry guys, it's just... I worry that the guys at the dorm might need some help..." Seungho sighed and leaned back into the chair, and picked his phone up, unlocking it quickly. "Come on, they're grown ups, they can handle it! You're spoiling them!" one of them laughed. "I know I am" Seungho sighed, and opened the text he got.

'Hey babe, I found some of your old pictures on your laptop.. You forgot to close it ke ke ke. I don't think you should keep pictures like those of yourself on your laptop, I mean... Some horny boyfriend could find them... Ke ke '

Seugho quickly clicked the message away, ans put the phone back in his pocket nervously. "So, who need their diaper to get changed this time?" one of the guys laughed at Seungho. Smiling insecure Seungho grabbed his cup of coffee. "No everythig's fine, it was just my boyfriend".

"Woah, Seungho! Boyfriend? Who?" the guys became curious. "Someone incredibly sexy", Seungho chuckled. "Must be Joon, that horny bastard".

After answering some more or less embarrassing questions, Seungho managed to excuse himself. It was already 8 PM and he sat driving home in the darkness. Thinking about Joon's text message, he wondered if his boyfriend actually had found those pictures...

"Hey guys I'm ho-" Seungho's call in their apartment was cut off by a clothes hand covering his mouth. His first reaction was to grab the mysterious man or woman's wrist and punch them, and so he did. The manly voice that groaned from the punch, was a bit familiar though.

All the lights in the apartment were turned off, but he could see that the man was dressed all in black, in something tight and rather sexy, for being a burglar or murder. "You...moron...!" Joon groaned, as he held his face in his hands. "Shit Joon you scared the shit outta me, I'm sorry", Seungho whined surprised, and touched Joon's face carefully. "You okay though? What was you trying to do?"

Standing straight up, Joon held on to the others shoulder for support, wiping away the few droplets of blood that ran from his nose. "I wanted to surprise you goddamnit. I got the others to sleep over at Beasts dorms tonight so we would have apartment for ourselves", he grunted, and felt the leaders hands softly wrapping themselves around his waist, starting at his abs, moving back, hugging him closer.

"I'm sorry my little idiot" Seungho chuckled, and placed a kiss on his boyfriends cheek. "Ah nevermind" Joon smiled, when he realized that the pain slowly was fading away. They walked together to the kitchen, where Joon grabbed some paper, and held it to his nose.

"So, what was the surprise? Or should I go ahead with my promise for tonight?" Seungho smiled, and poured himself a glass of milk. "It was supposed to just surprise you with my hot body when I got tired of jacking off to half naked pictures of you, but now it's forgotten" Joon replied and leaned against the counter, still holding the paper agaist his nose.

"God, Joon, you're gross" Seungho wrinkled his nose after finishing the glass of milk. "Only for you" the other smiled, and came over to sit in his lap. "So naughty" Chuckling, Seungho wrapped his arms around Joon's waist, pulling him so close that their crotches met for a second, but that was all friction that was needed to get them turned on.

"I know.." Joon mumbled, before he attacked Seungho's neck with kisses. The leader tilted his head to the side, giving the other more access with every kiss, moaning quietly.

As soon as the kisses had reached the line of Seungho's collar, Joon pulled away breathing hotly against the leaders skin. "Seungho... I think we should fuck".

Still having Joon's body agaist his, Seungho lifted the younger up, making him wrap his slender legs around his hips. "I agree, we should" Seungho moaned, ans pulled the other into another kiss, as he carried him into their bedroom, dropping his body on he matress.

Touching himself all over, Joon moaned loudly, looking through half open eyes at his boyfriend, who watched him hungrily. "Seungho, come on I want you so badly, and I know that you just wanna rip my clothes off and replace my hands with your own", the younger boy whispered frustrated, run if his fingers over the clothed bulge in his pants. Swallowing hard, Seungho slowly sat down on top of Joon, and laid his hand at his, continuing to explore the well trained body.So, after getting a very touching FB message saying "Pervert", and some more talk, I actually wrote another part for this oneshot called Stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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