"...the virus has completely devastated over 150 of the world's major regions and it's spreading rapidly. At this point in time we know of only one method of killing the creatures: distory the brain..."
With his thoughts somewhere far away, Lee Joon sat down on the cold chair, feeling the chill air blowing in his neck. The volume of the radio was at the lowest, barely for him to hear and the lights were turned off. Rubbings his hands together, he desperately tried to feel warmer.
"...this is not a test, this is not a joke. We as a human specifies are overwhelmed. We are outnumbered."
And just as the reporter finished his speech, the sound died out, and the radio was out of batteries. With a frustrated growl, Joon got up again, walking over to the plastic radio, kicking it to the other side of the empty apartment with his boot.
Not even bothering to care if the previous owners of the aprtment would return, he grabbed a chair in rage, and threw it on a glass shelf, making it break with a loud noice, shattered glass flying everywhere. Stepping over the sharp pieces of it, he stood by the window and watched the city outside.
He had no where to live, he had no one to talk to. He didn't have anything. As the sun slowly was rising, he knew he wasn't much safer than in the night. For sure, he had the disadvantage to not be able to see his enemies as easily when they approached him in the day, but there were still after him.
They're after everyone.
It had all started not so long ago. The news started to report more and more massive amounts of people disappearing, sometimes whole villages. Of course, in a world of war like this, nobody even really cared. Not until they discovered what it actually was.
"Changsun, run!"
He could still hear his sister's voice screaming as he saw one of the creatures digging his teeth into her neck. His sister, tall, long hair, big eyes, was one of the most beautiful girls he knew, while the creature attacking her, limping, dirty with a deformed face. It was like a horrible movie, he wanted to run over to her, help her, but he already knew - once bitten, there's nothing to do about it.
The zombies had taken his sister.
The hatred that had started to grow inside him was unbearable. Every day he struggled to not put a bullet into his head, just to end it all. But he had to survive. For his sister. He missed his past life, his family, his friends, everything about it. There wasn't any time now to just sit down and take it easy.
After he seeing his sister taking the first step to become a living dead, he had been running, running and running. Looking back as little as possible, he was determined to kill them all. Each one of them. He was almost sure that to help his parents, if still alive in their human form, was beyond his abilities.
Trying to calm down, he placed his hands on the glass, still cold from the morning air, leaving handprints from his bodyheat. Another day just trying to survive. After all those months, barely any contact with the world, he wasn't sure how much longer he'd endure. He had weapons, he was smart, he knew their tactics, but what was eating him was his own mind.
Living with nightmares of his sister getting transformed to a zombie every night, even with locked doors and a gun right besides the bed, he couldn't sleep well a single night. Trying to keep himself sane, he pretended to live a normal life. There was electricity sometimes,so he cleaned the apartment, cooked, and did everything as much as usual.
When he turned the radio on he usually just heared worrying news about how the infection spread itself over more and more areas, slowly taking over the world. The cities that were heavily armed, where all the "VIPs" were keept, were functioning as usual, of course. He would have left his little "nest" in the city, if it was possible. On one of the entrances to the city, there was something huge, camp like, where there always seemed to be zombies around.
Carefully avoiding it, Joon yet had managed to not catch their interest, as they were really dumb. No matter how he tried to escape the city though, there was always zombies around. He was surprised, that after the amount of them that he had killed, they still came back, in more massive amounts, but they never really walked into the city. The reasons behind remained a mystery.
Grabbing his gun from the table where he left it, Joon tucked it in between his pants and underwear, easy access, in case he'd meet some more infected people. Heading out to look around, in case there, against all odds, would be someone alive out there, as he did every day.
Locking the apartment door as he left it, he walked out on the street and looked around. The same chaos as the day before, no signs of any new living dead passing by. Slowly starting to run, he looked around, trying to notice if something wasn't as it used to.
The sun still wasn't high over the horizon, but it was already shining enough to give warmth, and the summer breeze felt good as Joon ran down the street, in the direction of the food store. Knowing he should bunk up, in case he wouldn't be able to leave the apartment for a longer while, he grabbed the roll of big black bags he had left by the entrance, taking one of them.
Casually walking into the story, brushing a hand through his chin long hair, his heart almost stopped when he heared a voice. The shock of hearing someone else, that wasn't either on the radio or tv was making his heart beat faster than it had done when running for an hour, escaping the living dead. The man, that was in the shop, was singing a sweet ballad, and when Joon finally calmed down, he couldn't help but enjoy the beautiful voice.
Peeking around the corner, he saw a man, jumping to reach something on a shelf that was too high, still singing. He was really dirty, probably he had been running much, and yet he had a cap on his head. Dying with style, huh. As the man jumped higher, he bit his lip in frustration, and Joon couldn't help but notice how he could see the ribs clearer than he ever had seen on a human.
"Let me help you", Joon said, and walked out from his hiding. The other man screamed when he heared someone else, but calmed down right away when he saw that it wasn't a zombie. "Shit, you scared me. God, I'm happy to see someone alive! Alive as in not zombiefied", the other scoffed, and leaned against a shelf.
For the first time in months, Joon felt a smirk on his face. The feeling was so unfamiliar, that he was sure that he looked like a freak like that. "Sorry. I'm just as surprised as you are. I'm Lee Joon. How did you manage to get here?", he asked, as he went forward, taking the can the stranger seemed to have been trying to get, reaching it over.
Accepting the can with a lovely grin, the other streched out his hand. "Jung Byunghee. And I was chased into here this morning. They were right after me when I ran into this shop maybe two hours ago, but since that I haven't seen them again". Joon shook Byunghee's hand, and watched him closely, trying to notice any useful details.
"Don't worry, I've got a gun, and we'll get you one too as soon as we can. Oh, assuming you want my help of course" Joon stuttered. He wasn't sure why his voice was failing him, maybe because he hadn't been talking for weeks. It still seemed unreal that he was with someone that wasn't infected yet. And he wasn't sure if it was a mistake to assume that Byunghee wanted to stay with him, but he knew that he'd never be able to escape himself.
Letting out a small awkard laugh, Byunghee sat down on the floor, and opened the can of peaches in his hands. He looked up at Joon with pursed lips, meaningly looking down on the spot of the floor besides him. Without a facial expression Joon grabbed another can of peaches, taking a seat besides.
"Of course I want to stay with you. You're the first human I've seen in weeks" Byunghee breathed, after slowly eating the first half of the peach. Nodding and opening the can, Joon threw the lid away before speaking. "Alright. I'm sorry if I'm weird... I haven't been talking to anyone for months... I've been stuck here.." he almost whispered, taking out a peach with his hands, stuffing it all at once into his mouth.
"Nobody?" Byunghee asked surprised, wiping away a drop of juice that had stuck in the corner of his lips. "No one", Joon replied, not even remembering to be formal. "That's tough... But I see you've had lots of food though", chuckling, Byunghee took another piece of peach into his mouth, his eyes meeting Joon's.
With a shy smile, he nodded in reply, putting the can on the floor. "Yeah. Let me guess that you haven't?". The other shook his head and continued eating, replying when he had swallowed the fruit in his mouth. "I've been running alot, and there haven't always been food around...". Reaching out a hand to touch Byunghee's ribs that Joon knew was there, he felt how the other jolted back as his finger touched him. "I'm sorry", he hurried to explain himself. "But I noticed how skinny you are as you tried to reach the can..."
Sighing, Byunghee shook his head. "No, it's not you. Every touch is so unfamiliar nowmore" the other sighed. Slowly nodding, Joon looked down at the floor. "Can I stay with you? You seem... okay for someone who have been cut off human contact for months...". Letting out another shy chuckle, Joon nodded, feelling a bit warmer inside as he saw Byunghee's smile.
His messy hair, trashed clothes, pale skin, it made Joon feel good knowing that he could do something for someone. "Of course you can. I'd love some company. Stay as long as you want, we've got more than enough of everything for a while", he said, and reached out to pat Byunghee's shoulder, when he stopped himself. "Sorry", he said, and withdrew his hand.
Biting his lip, and a shy smirk appearing on his face, Byunghee took Joon's hand, placing it on his shoulder. "I better get used to you", he smiled, enjoying Joon's smile. He had a feeling, that those lips weren't familiar with such things as smiling since a long while back.
"Hey, need some help with those?" Byunghee called down the stairs from the doorway as Joon carried two plastic bags. To the apartment Joon didn't have to live alone in anymore, the one that nowmore was filled with talk, always filled with something more than just his own breath. He had to admit that he loved it, the feeling of not being alone anymore.
Grabbing the two bags, each in one hand, Joon climbed the first stairs, before he heared a silent shuffling behind him, and a soft moan. It wasn't anything like the moan of exhaustment or the one he had heared from porn. The moans of a zombie. He dropped the bags, a reflex, but it was already too late.
He felt a cold hand on his shoulder, and another one on his neck. Feeling how his heart was beating something that felt like a hundred times faster than usual, Joon grabbed his gun, but he had a feeling that he was too slow. Just as he was sure that the creature was gonna bite him, make him one of them, he heared a shot, and a bullet flew by, making the grip on his shoulder disappear.
Turning around to look at the creature, laying on the ground motionless, Joon pulled his own gun out, pointed it at the head of the zombie and fired twice. Slowly returning back to reality, he turned to Byunghee, who still was standing at the top of the staits. "Thanks. You're good at this, I owe you", Joon said, and even let himself to smirk.
Putting the weapon back into his pants, Byunghee smiled back at the younger boy and shook his head, walking down the stairs. "Nothing to thank for stupid, you know that's what we'd both do for eachother". "True" Joon chuckled in a reply. "We should burn it..." Byunghee looked at the creature, before grabbing it's arm, and starting to pull it out on the street.
As soon as they had burned the zombie, they returned to the apartment and unpacked the things they had found, just like nothing had happend. Yet it was Joon's first meeting with a living dead in a long while, and it was very strange, since if it was the one following Byunghee into the city it was very slow, since 4 days had already passed since they met.
"I guess that was the adventure of the week" Byunghee smiled shyly, as he put his plate into the sink after eating dinner. "Yeah, let's hope this won't happen more often now" Joon nodded. Just as they had done the previous nights after dinner, they went over to the sofa and sat down, burying temselves under the blankets. If there wasn't anything to watch on the tv, they hoped for that the power still would be there, so they could watch a movie.
It felt really strange, that while the world was going under, they were just sitting there. And that was when it hit Joon. They had to leave sooner or later, to see if there were more surviviours, or just change location. Sooner or later they'd be trapped in this town.
"What are you thinking about?" Byunghee poked Joon with his foot. Both being curious and body contact was something that Joon hadn't seen much those four days that had passed, but yet he felt that they were going to be comfortable around eachother, there was just this something between them that made it all work.
Blinking and snapping back to reality, Joon shrugged. "Nothing, this movie is lame though". "True it is.. " Byunghee nodded, laying down on the sofa. Feeling slightly uncomfortable watching his friend, Joon almost felt himself blushing when he caught himself trying to see if Byunghee's ribs still were that visible. Even though it was just a couple days, he hoped that he'd see some result.
"Are you feeling better?" Joon asked, eyes still fixed at the chest area of his friend. Byunghee noticed where the other's eyes were wandering, and patted his stomach. "I'm all good", he smiled in a reply. Feeling awkward, Joon nodded, and curled up in the blanket again, not being able to not think about why he was acting so weird suddenly.
The thought about the need of running away from the town haunted Joon through the night, until the thoughts were replaced by nightmares. He woke up grasping for air, clutching his shirt. "Are you okay?" the soft voice at the other side of the room asked. Of course, who wouldn't wake up, Joon knew that he probably had been screaming in his sleep.
"Yeah... yeah... I-I'm okay...". Stuttering Joon fell back at his pillow again, but he could hear Byunghee's every singe movement uner the covers. "Are you okay, though?" he asked out, hoping that he wasn't wrong and Byunghee was asleep. "I don't know... this all is kinda unreal...", the sweet voice replied after some seconds.
Joon sighed, and turned his face to where the other voice came from. "I know... but... I think we've both done good... I mean we're sane... and here we are..", he replied, and tried to see Byunghee in the dark. "True" the older boy chuckled, and reached out his hand in the dark, probably just a switch of positions to make himself comfortable.
Although, there was something deep inside Joon that just made him reach out and hold that hand softly. He could hear a quiet whimper, but nothing more. Slowly he closed his eyes, and thanked god, for having Byunghee with him.
I give you a fanfic with Lee Joon fighting zombies like the sexy he is, and you give me your opinion? Thanks~
