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"I'm going to kill you." My father says.

I feel the side of my mouth curve upwards into a small smirk. The teenage boy breaks eye contact with me, his heartbeat instantly speeding up at the word "kill". I don't know who he is, he doesn't look like Scott, with his blond hair and even jaw. He looks more like the other man... what was his name again? Luke? Levi?

Liam. He tells me.

I knew that. I retort.

No, you didn't.

Yes, I did.

No, you really didn't. But whatever you say sweetheart. I feel him roll his eyes.

Shut up.




"Stiles." The sound of Scotts shaky voice brings me back to the present. "Please don't."

"Why?" He blinks. "You killed my wife, the mother of my children. Why should I let you live?"

The alpha shuts his mouth. 

Smart man.

"That's what I thought." My father stands, walking over to the youngest of the four. Liam's son. "What's your name buddy?"

"Lincoln." He whispers.

"Okay Lincoln, pick a number between one, and ten."

"Wh- what?"

"Pick a number from one to ten."

"Seven." He answers after a moment of processing.

My father smiles. "Congratulations. You're free to go."

The room goes silent.

"Val, unlock his cuffs." He says, looking the boy up and down. "You're going to go home and tell the rest of your pack that I have it's emissary, beta and alpha captive and that I will kill each and every one of them unless my father meets me in the Hale Vault in exactly one hour, no more no less." I unlock Lincolns cuffs as he speaks. "No weapons, no wolf lichen, if he brings another person within a hundred feet of the school, I will give the order to kill your alpha. Got it?" He asks, Lincoln nods frantically, his breathing rapid as I shove him towards the unhinged door.

"Now be a good boy and run back home." I tell him, pushing him into the hallway and watching as he looks back once before running down the stairs.

My father exhales, his breath strangely steady despite my mothers body slumped against the wall. 

I am no monster. Not completely. I feel something for her, a little tug on my heart at the sight of the bullet in her skull. But I don't feel enough as I should.

She's dead. My Mom is dead. And yet he still keeps my emotions hidden, locked somewhere on his side of my consciousness with the key nowhere in sight. 

It's for your own good.

Go die in a hole. I hiss back. 

Whatever you say, Valerie darling. 

I hate you.

No, you don't. He smirks. I'm inside your head, remember?

I cross my arms and take my place beside my father as he stares at Scott, his face stone cold. "Why?" He asks, his voice breaking for a split second. "Why did you do it?"

"I wanted my best friend back."

My Dad blinks some more, shocked. "So you decide to kill my fucking wife?"

Scott goes silent. "She wasn't supposed to die." He says quietly. 

And what happens next is a shock to all of us. 

My Dad starts to laugh. It's not the type of laugh he usually has, there is no humor behind it. This laugh could be borderline psychotic, nothing more than a quiet chuckle in his throat. He looks up at the ceiling, sighing sadly. "She wasn't supposed to die?" He repeats, looking down at Scott with crazed anger. "She wasn't supposed to die?!" My Dad smiles and shakes his head. "If she wasn't supposed to die, then why did you shoot her in the damn forehead, huh?" He asks, crouching down to Scotts level. "Well I have news for you, McCall." He grips the back of the alpha's neck, pulling him close enough that their brows touch. "She's did die. See? Right there." He points, Scott follows his finger towards my mothers lifeless body. "Are you happy now, Scott? Are you proud of yourself now that you've killed the one person I actually cared for? Can you live with the fact that you took my children's mother away from them and tried to make it right by saying 'she wasn't supposed to die'?"

The alpha swallows. 

"An eye for an eye, Scott. You know this." My father weighs the gun in his palm as he stands, frowning. "An eye for an eye." He mutters once more before raising it, pressing the muzzle to Scotts forehead. "And a life for a life."


I didn't know Stiles had it in him. 


No wonder Ella loved this man.

"A life for a life." I hear him say as I leave his wife's body, my friend. Scott had blown the apartment door off it's hinges, entering the room before I had tome to react. By the time he raised the gun, Ella wasn't even off the couch. I try not to think about what had just happened as I leave them alone, setting off to find a new host. Someone no one would expect. Someone like...

Someone like Allison McCall. 

It isn't hard to find their house, the same one as before with it's ugly green walls and white pillars. Luckily for me, someone left the upstairs window open, just a crack, but enough for me to squeeze through. I find myself in a room, the walls painted dark blue and the covers of the bed messy. A teenage boys room. Max McCall. But not the one I'm looking for. I leave the room, going down the hall and into the open doorway at the end. 

A girl with dark brown hair sits at a desk on the corner, her bed made and neat, no clothes on the floor. She twirls her pencil around her fingers, in sync with the music coming from her computer. Humming along, she tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, giving me exactly the opening I need. 

I smile to myself. 

Scott won't know what hit him. 


Scott stares up at me, his eyes pleading. I don't think I could ever kill him. No matter what he does. So I lower the gun, only a few inches before pulling the trigger, sending the bullet deep into his chest. He lurches over, putting strain on the handcuffs as he hangs his head. I hear a him gasp for air, his labored breath uneven. He glances back up at me, fear in his eyes.

"Tell me, Scott." I push the hair out of his face using the muzzle of the gun, nudging his head back as I do. "Are you afraid?" I ask, leaning closer and dragging the cold metal of the firearm down his face. He flinches, turning away. "Yeah. That's what I thought." I straighten, my thoughts focused on one thing and one thing only. Without any words exchanged, I hand Val the gun, not taking my eyes off Scott. "Don't kill him, not yet." I tell her. "He'll heal from anything but a headshot, remember that." I keep my face still, even as I see her smirk. I take a moment to study my childhood bestfriend, the very same man that just killed my wife in cold blood, and I make my decision. "Do me a favor." I finally look at her. "Make him beg."

"Yes Sir." She places the gun down on the table, taking the hair tie from her wrist and pulling her dark hair out of her eyes. I take that as the que to make my leave, and to my surprise, the last thing I see before walking out the door is my daughter handing the gun to Carter. No hesitation in his actions as he shoots Scott in the thigh. 

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