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Noah Stilinski

"Slow down, Lincoln." I say, placing my hand on the boy's shoulders. "Now, repeat all of that again." I tell him calmly, hoping I misheard him the first time. "Who has them?"


My mouth goes dry. "But he let you go? Why? Who was with him?"

"There was a man, two teenagers and..." he stops, looking down.


"And a woman. But she- she's dead now."

"Who was it?" I ask, my voice urgent. When he doesn't respond I pull away, running my hand down my face. I turn to face him again. "Dammit Lincoln. Answer me."

"His wife. She was the mans wife."

"Who killed her?"

"Uncle Scott. He shot her."

I sit down at the table, placing my head in my hands. Scott doesn't kill unless he has to. He has only ever killed a few supernatural creatures, still making him an alpha, but not a true one. I exhale, trying to think of a solution. He went after Void, who he didn't tell me was in Beacon Hills. I pause, looking up. But if Void is back, that means... "Stiles." I breathe. "What did Void look like?" I ask Lincoln.

The boy looks at me weirdly, but answers anyway. "Dark hair, tall, he had a few freckles on his face, like- where are you going?" Lincoln follows me into the kitchen, confused.

"What else did Void say?" I take out a piece of paper, beginning to scribble down a note.

"He told me to go home and tell the pack that he has Uncle Scott, Mr. Deaton and my Dad, and if his father doesn't meet him in the Hale Vault he'll kill them all."

I stop writing. "No, he won't."

Lincoln stares at me. "How do you know?"

"Because that man is my son."

"Your son? But I thought Stiles was dead?"

"He was." I abandon the piece of paper and pen, grabbing my jacket and key and going out to my car. "When your mother and Aunt get back, tell them everything. And I mean everything. They'll know what to do." I hop into the drivers seat, shutting the door and unrolling the window. "But whatever you do. Don't come after me if I don't come back." I don't give him a chance to respond before I back out of Scotts driveway, starting down the road and towards the school.

I turn the corner before I get the chance to see Allison McCall climb out of her window, landing softly on her feet despite the drop from the second story. By the time I drive down the next street, she has already dodged into the woods.


I hear a single vehicle pull into the school parking lot above me. The sound of a car door opening and shutting makes my senses stand on end, I listen intently as a pair of footsteps make their way cautiously towards my location. They walk down the stairs slowly, as if on edge as they approach the vault.

"Dad." I say, my back to him as he enters.

"Stiles." He responds, voice quiet.

"Put the gun away. You won't need it," I tell him, hearing the sound of his finger on the trigger, "Yet."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I want a civilized conversation, no weapons, no wolf lichen." I turn fully, meeting his gaze. He looks the same, except for a few added wrinkles and a lost look in his eye. "I thought Lincoln told you that part? No?"

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