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The sheriff is asleep, so is Carter. After my father left, we watched some T.V. while eating dinner - tacos and salad - and then played battleship. Which I absolutely destroyed them both at. It's all strategy, honestly, and strategy is something I am very good at.

I left Carter sleeping in our Dad's old room, it was weird seeing pictures of him and his friends from twenty years ago. There was one, I remember, with him and Scott, arms around each other. I couldn't help but notice that when he was younger, Scott looks sort of like max. But if I'm being honest, I think Max if cuter.

Speaking of Max McCall... I hear my phone buzz, I glance down at it to see a new message.

"School parking lot. Five minutes." The unknown number reads. I don't reply, instead stuffing the phone into my coat pocket and put my shoes on. Google maps says the school is too far away to walk, but if I drive, I'll get there a minute late.

What's he going to do? I ask myself as I hop into the sheriffs police car, putting the keys I found on the table into the ignition. I pull out of the driveway as quietly as possible, hoping no one hears me. I start to drive, looking back down at the navigation to find my way through this stupid town.

When I pull into the school parking lot, I only see one vehicle. A shiny, matte black motorcycle.

I pull up next to it, opening my door.

"You're two minutes late." Max says, arms crossed as he glares at me.

"I took a wrong turn." I step out of the car, shutting the door, annoyed with myself.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He smirks.

"Oh shut up." I scowl. "I just don't want to be in this town."

He stares at me. "I kinda like it. There's a lot of death."

"Of course you do." I roll my eyes. "Now. I want to go to bed so let's get this over with. What do you have for me."

"Scott just left with Liam, Derek, and Alex. They didn't tell anyone where they were going, but I might have, just maybe, heard something."

"So you were eavesdropping?" I say bluntly.

"Just a little." He flashes a one sided grin. "They're going to some building by the water, supposedly where the siren is. Scott said something about your father-"

"Our father, dickhead." I raise my brows. "But please, continue."

"He said something about our father, but I didn't hear exactly what it was. Only the words 'gone' and 'home'. They were good whispers."

"I bet they were." I let out a heavy exhale, trying to make sense of the information I've just obtained. A few seconds pass. Then I open the door to the sheriffs car and get in. Max knocks on the window as soon as the door shuts. He raises his hands in annoyance, asking me what I'm doing. I unroll the window.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To kill Scott."


I stare at him. "You didn't just ask that."

"He killed your Mom, so what?"

"Our Mom." I hiss back. "Scott McCall killed our Mom."

"I like revenge, you know I do. But I can't let you go. Not yet."

"Oh yeah? Try to stop me then." And I put my foot on the gas, moving forward. With the blink of an eye Max is standing in front of the car, hands on the hood. "Get out of my way, Aaron, or I swear to fucking God I will run your werewolf ass over."

"You look cute when your mad, did you know that?" He cocks his head, grinning.


He shakes his head. "No."



I rev the engine, a threat. "Yes."

His smirk widens. "Valerie darling, get out of the car."

"No." I grit my teeth.

"Please? With a cherry on top?"

"Bastard." I mutter, he narrows his eyes in response.

"What did you call me?"

Leaving him without an answer, I switch the car to reverse and put my arm on the seat to look out the back window, I press my foot down on the gas and speed backwards, the tires squeal as I break and turn the wheel. The car turns, leaving Max standing behind me, a scowl on his face. "Fucker." I smile as I drive away.

But that smile doesn't last long.

I hear the roar of his dirt bike and he pulls up beside me, a matching matte black helmet covering his face. "Come on, Valerie darling, that wasn't very nice now, was it?" He shouts, flipping up the viser on his helmet. I meet his eyes through my open window. Frowning, I speed up, my hair blowing behind me. It takes him less than a second to catch up.

I shoot him the middle finger, barely hearing him laugh against the wind. Our eyes meet for a second time, and then he looks away, focusing on the road as he speeds up some more. I watch as he swerves in front of me, looking back every few seconds. I try to pass him, but he moves with me.

He speeds up some more, running a set of red lights. I make a split second decision, locking up my breaks once more and taking a sharp right. My tires spin on the pavement as I push down on the gas once more. Aaron seems to have noticed, because I hear his engine coming up beside me. I look to my left, catching glimpses of his bike between every houses on the next street over. I groan.


I can almost hear him in my head right now. Why so fast, Valerie darling, scared?

I look back to the road, only for a moment, then back to him. But he's not there. Panicked, I grip the steering wheel. I move the hair out of my face and focus ahead of me. And then I see him, parked right in the middle of the road, getting off the bike. I press the breaks, the car skidding to a stop a meter from him. He takes off the helmet, running a hand through his hair.

I open the door and stomp towards him, wanting to knock that silly smirk off his face. And I do. My fist hits his face with a deafening crack, he is thrown back into his bike. "Fuck." I cry out, cradling my hand. "Holy fuck." I shake it out, not used to being hurt without him to block the pain.

Max, or Aaron, whoever he is, brings his finger up to his cheek, touching it tenderly. "Damn, Valerie. Damn." He exclaims. "You've got a good left hook."

"My right one's better," I say, not sure why I even punched with my left hand in the first place. "Want to test it out too?"

He shakes his head. "No, sweetheart. I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll get it eventually." He says. "Maybe sooner than I would like." He mutters the last part and I'm about to ask what he means when he grabs my arm, locking something cold around my wrist.

"Aaron!" I shout, tugging on the cuffs. He drags me to the police car, locking the other side to the door handle. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Keeping you alive." He says as I pull at the cuffs.

"What do you care if I live or not?"

A pause. "I don't."

I reach out for him aggressively, he steps back and my fingers barely brush his shirt. "I hate you." I yell, the metal keeping me in place doesn't budge. "I'm going to kill Scott McCall." I shout to his back as he walks back to his motorcycle. "And then I'm going to kill you too."

He hesitates before putting his helmet back on, as if maybe he'll turn around.

But he doesn't.

I can't do anything but watch as he drives away.

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