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The meeting is in ten minutes, but I am still at the appartement. My Dad and kids are in another room, talking. About what? I don't know. I just wanted Val and Carter away from here, away from the sight of their mother. My father had placed a blanket over her, covering her face and the bullet hole in her forehead.

Scott put it there.

But we need to work together. I can't kill him.


Void is still gone, and for Scott's sake, I hope it stays that way until the meeting is over. If not, I can't guarantee he will walk out alive. Any of them.

I glance at my wife, a dot of red seeping though the bedsheet over her head. God, I can't guarantee that I won't kill Scott during this meeting.

I wait another five minutes on the couch, my head in my hands, waiting for my father and kids. Eventually, with only 4 minutes left until we have to be there, Val and Carter walk out, each looking better than they had before. When I see my Dad, I notice he's crying. But not tears of sadness.

I tell my children to get their shoes on and go to the truck, buying myself a second with my father. He puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "You raised them well, son. I'm proud of you."

His validation is something I didn't know I needed until now, until he said those words; I'm proud of you. I nod, trying not to cry, again. He gives me a small smile, a proud smile, and pulls me into a hug.


The Sheriff and Stiles are late. It's ironic, actually, they were the ones who wanted this meeting to happen. I'm about to make a comment when a pair of headlights pull into my driveway. I don't need to look outside to know who it is. My pack is quieter than usual... the stench of fear in the air. They're scared. Of Stiles? Of Void? Or both.

And to be honest, I'm scared too.

Stiles is different. He's powerful, more so than any of us, and he knows it. His whole family is powerful. It was a mistake saying yes to this meeting, even with only the three of them, they could kill all of us in a few seconds. God, they almost already had.

When I said I didn't mean to kill his wife, I meant it. With all the dust in the air from blowing the door off it's hinges, I couldn't see anything. I've never needed a gun before, I don't even remember why I was using one. The moment I saw movement, I shot. I pulled the trigger with my eyes closed. And it wasn't until she fell and I saw the blood pooling on the ground did I realize who I had just shot. Then I saw Stiles. My childhood best friend, kneeling at her side.

He was begging for her to come back.

Then he sensed my presence and turned towards me, slowly, and for the first time in forever, I didn't know what to do. He saw the gun in my hand, still pointed in the same spot I had pulled the trigger, and he raised his eyes to mine.

I have never seen that much pure hatred on someone's face. That much pain, anger. And in that moment I was terrified of him.

If I say the wrong thing tonight, make a wrong move, I have no doubt he will kill me without a second thought. An eye for an eye, he had said, before ordering his daughter not to kill me just yet.

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of what he had said before leaving; do me a favour, he told his daughter, make him beg.

My front door bursts open, causing all heads to turn in his direction. Stiles walks in. His eyes are dark with anger... anger directed solemnly at me. I step back, surrendering. Despite my alpha status, I know my pace here. I know I will not be able to win this battle. Once my pack notices my actions, they do the same.

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