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I kick out the back of Scotts leg, causing him to fall to his knees. The only thing keeping him from hitting the ground is my grip on his shoulder. He gasps, blood on his lips as he takes a shaky inhale. More blood rushes from the wound as I twist the knife in his back. He cries out in pain, reaching up to feel the tip of the blade poking out from his heart. He brings his hand down and stares at the bright red blood on his fingertips. 

I look up at the sound of a growl, Derek has his claws and teeth bared as he breaks into a run. He only makes it halfway before a arrow hits his chest. He roars in pain, his step faltering as he pulls it out of his shoulder, throwing it to the ground. He takes another step towards me and a second arrow embeds itself in his thigh. He goes to pull it out too, only managing to break the shaft. He begins to sway on his feet, shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts.

I look back at the archer stationed in the corner of the room, her bow raised. I can smell the wolfsbane tipped arrows from here. Before, I had thought I was human once more. But I was wrong. I'm just like Scott, Derek, Liam, and Peter. I'm a wolf, the fox is still inside me, but it's sleeping deep inside my mind. 

Derek won't last too long before he passes out. She nocks another arrow, aiming, and sending it flying towards Liam. He tries to move out of the way, but it hits his arm, a second one hitting his stomach a second later. Peter catches one of the arrows before it strikes him, but another one comes just as fast, sinking into his chest. 

The siren brought her back, again. I had asked her to, I needed to know if there was a chance she could bring Ella back as well. She did it right in front of me. Taking Allison's dead body and reviving it. There is still a scar from the bullet on her forehead, same as her stomach; where Voids oni had run her through. 

I pull the knife from Scotts back, releasing his shoulder and letting him fall to the ground. He rolls onto his back, gasping and choking. I place my foot on his chest, pressing down slightly. Blood stains his shirt, puddling on the floor beneath him. 

I feel no remorse.

He stares up at me, wide eyed. "Stiles-" he manages, gagging. "Wh-"

I kneel, placing the knife over his lips, silencing him. "Just shut up. Please."

He whimpers. 


I smile. "You're a fool, Scott. You're all fools if think you can come in here acting as if nothing happened and I'd come running back to you? You think it's that easy?" I shake my head, scoffing. "It isn't. You banished me, you killed my wife, I have no reason to forgive you." I say coldly. I feel someone approaching me from behind, they place a hand on my shoulder. Scott looks past my face, and his eyes go even wider. He breathing speeds up. 

"Hi, Scott." Allison's sweet voice says. Before he gets a chance to respond, she kicks the heel of her shoe into his temple, knocking him out. "Goodnight, Scott."


I've been tugging at these cuffs for about ten minutes now. I place my foot on the car door, pulling harder. "Motherfu-"

"Need some help?" I voice asks from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Allison McCall sitting in a car, window rolled down. I don't know how I didn't hear her drive up. Is she even old enough to drive? She's Carters age, she shouldn't be driving, she's going to get herself killed. But Carter can drive... 

"Fuck off, bitch." I continue to pull on the handcuffs. 

She seems taken back. "Language, young lady."

"Shut up before I make you."

She sighs. "Val, is the door locked?" 

I stop pulling and try it, when I doesn't open I glance back at her. "Just go get the stupid keys from your bastard of a brother."

"The window is open, just unlock it from the inside. You can drive with your hand out the window."

I feel my cheeks go red. I've been so flustered since being bested by Aaron that I didn't even think about that. I reach inside the car and unlock it, opening the door. 

"You're welcome." Allison says. 

"Fine. Thanks." I mutter. "Now leave me alone and go sniff a fire hydrant or whatever it is that wolves do."

"Valerie Claudia Stilinski." She raises her voice in a way that my mother used to. I wince. "That was not very nice, apologize this instant."

"Stop acting like my fucking mother." I through my hands up, silently wondering how she knew my middle name. 

"I thought you were smarter than this, Val."

I hesitate, looking from the cuffs to her. She stares back at me, a mix of amusement and disappointment on her face. My eyebrows narrow. "Mom?"

"Took you long enough."

"But you guys died... I saw you-"

"Ella died, Val." She interrupts, hurt in her voice. She clears her throat, changing the topic as soon as she can. "Now you said Max McCall has the keys to the handcuffs. How did this even happen?"

I make up my lie on the spot. "I heard Dad had gotten taken by the Siren so I was on my way to help him when Max rode by on his stupid little motorcycle and got in my way. I stopped to avoid hitting him and he put the handcuff on me and locked me to the door."

"How long ago?"

"Ten, maybe fifteen minutes." I answer noting the suspicion on her face. "Why?"

"Scott McCall, Liam, Derek and Peter went to go get Stiles, apparently the Siren managed to take your father captive and kill Void." She says, raising her brows. "But you already knew this. How?"

"Dad was talking about going down to kill the Siren after leaving the meeting. He didn't come back when he said he would so I assumed-"

"Val. Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you!"

"Nothing adds up, Val. Dad wouldn't have told you where he was going. So how did you know where to go? Why did you and Max McCall coincidentally end up in the same place at the same time?" She pauses, looking at the cuffs. "And why did he bother to handcuff you to the car? Why not kill you? Or knock you out?" She stares at me. "Explain yourself, Valerie."

"He's not Max McCall, Mom." I blurt. 

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