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"Then who is he?" She asks.

I purse my lips, annoyed with myself for giving up so easy. "Max is possessed."


"A nogitsune."

"Val..." Abby says my name slowly. "What are you saying?"

I curse. "His name is Aaron, he used to be with me."

Another pause. "Valerie Stilinski. How old is he?"

"16." I whisper.

"How long was he 'with you' for?"

"Since a few hours ago."

"Holy shit." She whispers, running a hand through her hair. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because he didn't let me, Mom." I say, and when she stays silent I begin to feel myself breaking down. "Don't you understand? He didn't let me do anything. He didn't let me show emotion, I've never been happy or sad or felt physical pain. Only anger, Mom, I've felt nothing but anger for 16 years of my life." I almost start to cry. "I wanted to tell you and Dad, honestly I did."

"Get in your car and go back to the Sheriff's house. I'll get your father and Max."


"I'm not mad, Val. I just need you to be safe, just for tonight. We will talk about this tomorrow."

I nod, not sure how to take her reaction as I watch her roll up her window and drive away. I kick the police car, swearing. And then I kick it some more. With my heart pounding a million beats per second, I get into the car, trying my best to make the awkward situation comfortable. And failing. 

With tears welling in my eyes, I drive back to the Stilinski house. 


The werewolves aren't dead... not yet. They should be, but they aren't. 

The four of them are unconscious, Derek, Liam, and Peter poisoned with wolfsbane while Scott suffers from a knife to the heart; a harder wound to heal from. Allison has given them all a drop of kanima venom, just like they had given me. 

I've been trying to avoid eye contact with the Siren, I don't want to see her face a second time. The first hadn't been ideal. I expected a young, pale woman with white hair to match her cold voice, but instead I found myself looking at my wife. 

But I knew it wasn't my wife. Not really. Ella had hated the scent of vanilla, yet this creature reeks of it. I can't stand it.

I stand with my arms crossed, looking down at the group of wolves. 

All like me. 

I feel weak, almost powerless in this form. 

I will admit that I miss Void. I miss having to tell him to shut up every ten seconds, I miss his stupid remarks. I miss having his power. I miss being the most feared in the room, having everyone lower their heads when I walk in the door, or hearing their heartbeats speed up when I pass them. God, I miss everything.

A shiver goes down my spine as someone approaches me from behind. 

"Stiles Stilinski." She says my name. "Why so serious?"

"Serious?" I ask, not turning to look at her. I unfold my arms and put them in my pockets. 

A pause. "Tell me, who do you see?"

I tilt my head. "I beg your pardon?" But I know exactly what she means. 

"When you look at my face, who do you see?"

"May I ask why?" Stall. Stall. Stall. 

"It's all about guilt, Mr. Stilinski." She hisses in my ear. "Who do you feel guilt for?"

Ella. My wife. I should have protected her, but in the end I couldn't. But what if I did? What if I had taken that bullet instead of her? Would she still be alive? I stop my thoughts. "Guilt? Why would I need feel guilt for someone?"

"That is up to you sweetheart." I feel her place her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe it's someone you killed, or someone you wronged. Or," she seems to smile, "maybe it's someone you failed to save."

I speak to quickly, giving myself away. "I came here to kill you, don't make me finish the job."

She hesitates. "Interesting." I feel her run her nails down my back, tracing my shoulder blades. Her fingers near the hem of my shirt, I almost flinch as she lifts it up, placing her cold palm gently on my skin. "You're just like he said you would be." 

I close my eyes, keeping my voice and heart steady as I ask, "As who said I would be."

"Theo Raeken." And despite me resisting she grabs my waist, pulling me to face her. "My dear Stiles. You are so much more than he said you would be." I look down at her, at this thing wearing Ella's face. And in this moment - even though I know it's not her - I don't want to fight back. She brings her hand up, her skin no longer frigid as she touches my cheek. I know I should stop her as she drags her other fingers along the waistline of my pants, but I don't, and then she moves deeper, touching the top band of my boxers. She uses her grip on my pants to pull me even closer than I was, until our chests are touching. 

And then her hand moves deeper still. 

And deeper. 

I'm breathing heavier now, inhaling her vanilla scent. 

I hate it. 

I hate that she wears Ella's face. 

She knows. She has to.

She has to know that it's Ella I see. 

I take one more breath in, smelling that horrid vanilla, and I break away. "No." I say, pointing at her. "Get away from me." I step back, shaking my head. "Take her face off."

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, Mr. Stilinski."

"Take her fucking face off your body or I swear to God-"

"Or you'll what?" She asks, clearly disappointed. "Hm?"

I pull my gun from its holster, raising it level with her face. I'm breathing too heavy, too fast, but I stare at her, my expression one of silent rage. "Or I'll put so many fucking bullets in your head, God won't even recognize you." I press it to her forehead, my eyes dark. "

"You won't."

"Fucking try me." I clench my jaw, pressing the barrel harder into her skin. 

"Mieczyslaw Stilinski." A new voice says, one I don't recognize. I hear them, but I don't take my eyes off the Siren. Then it speaks again. "We're all on the same side here, lower the gun."

"Fuck off before I put a bullet in your head too." I grit my teeth. 

They chuckle softly. "You've changed a lot since fourth grade, I'll give you that." He says, scoffing. At this, I spare him a quick glance, raising my eyebrows. The man stands on the last step, as if he had just made his way down, arms folded against his chest. 

I look him up and down. "And you are?"

He smirks, stepping off the last step and beginning to walk towards us. 

Then, with a grin that would make a normal man run for the hills, he speaks. "I'm Theo Raeken, it's nice to see you again, Stiles."

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