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Craig pov:
Oh dreams are fucked up, well not for everybody maybe just me. Anyway my name is Craig Tucker, I live in a small town called South Park and My best friends are Clyde and Token. Ngl they are the only people who don't piss me off too much besides Clyde, fuck he is annoying as. Anyway back to what I'm trying to explain, dreams are shit. I keep having these dreams about a hallway of nothing with one person walking up to me with blonde fluffy hair, literally don't know what I mean but-

"WAKE UP IM HUNGRY!" Ruby screams to alert me I'm a fuck head.

"UGH FUCK GIVE ME A SECOND!!" I scream because fuck she is so fucking annoying.

Now since ruby alerted me now I have to get up and go to hell (school).

I don't have time to shower today so I just put this navy blue NASA shirt on and some black jeans with my childhood hat. "I'm so hot." I say thinking I am

"You're really not" Ruby says

"Literally didn't ask"

We both flip eachother off

The nice brother I am I got some eggs out and put some toast in the toaster, Ruby sat down and opened up her computer to finish off some maths revision she didn't fucking do.

"You're such an idiot" I say

"Sorry that I have better things to do then doing some gay ass algebra right now." She says opening up a calculator app.

"Anyway eat up we have 30 minutes to go get Clyde then I drop you off so speed up."

"Ok ok calm down give me 10 minutes."

I pack my bag and slip it on one arm, I grab my key and Gave Ruby her key and money allowance (since mom and dad are away for like 2 weeks).

I wait in my truck for Ruby and finally she comes, thank god.

"You really need to start being organised." I say giving her my phone to play some song.

"Ok ok I will try i guess."

She decides to play some Nirvana which lighten up my mood a bit (teen spirit).

So far we are stuck at the traffic lights and this car went through at a fucking red what a cock head and I know exactly who it was. Because of the side of his car has graffiti made by Kenny 'fatass'.

I finally got to Ruby's stop thank god she is gone

"Bye craigory"

"Bye Tricia"

We both flip each other off, now time to get cry baby from his stop.


Craigory (me): come outside I'm 3 minutes away.

Cry baby (Clyde): fine I will be out in 2.

Craigory (me): 🖕


I love annoying the fuck out of my friends with my dry texting and my emojis :))

Clyde pov:

I was at the table eating fruit loops and scrolling through Instagram until I got a text from Craig, he's such an ass. Technically he was being dry to piss me off so to piss him off more I won't go outside for another 5 mins.

Anyway I am Clyde, called cry baby by all my friends. My main friends are Token and Craig and I have a strange obsession with baseball and 'your mom' jokes, no wonder I'm hated by half my group. My group contains me, Craig and token then we have a few others which are Stan, Kyle, Fatass I mean Cartman, Kenny and Butters. A very big bunch, anyway I'm 5 minutes into pissing Craig off.

"Knock Knock"

"I'm coming now!"

I walk out with my bag on one arm with two milkshakes made for both me and Craig. First thing he says to me when I get into the car is-

"Fuck you"

"No hello I see craigory?"

"No because you held us up, but thanks for the milkshake." He says putting it in the cup holder.

"Oh it is my pleasure." I say in a British accent to piss him off more.

He picks up his phone and a Bluetooth cord he gives it to me and says

"Just pick a fucking song."

"Jeez someone didn't get up on the right side of the bed did they?" I say teasing him

He ignores me and carries on driving, we get a text from the group chat about some new kid coming to the school.


Fatass (cartman): who's coming today?

Cry baby (Clyde): me and craigory are on our way Rn.

Stan darsh: there is a new kid coming today Ken said to me.

Jew (Kyle): oh ye I heard about that.

Ken doll (Kenny): he is a good friend of mine from Denver he use to live here and just moved back me and Stan are picking him up Rn.

Cry baby (Clyde): great news finally someone new!

At school (still Clyde pov)

"Please do not yell in the new kids face when we see him." Craig says getting out of the truck.

"Oh please I won't I will be on my best behaviour."

Great finally there is someone new I can torture with 'your mom' jokes.

Craig pov:

We walk into school, Clyde is skipping like the homo he is and we run into Token and Kyle.

"Wassup!!" Token says fist bumping Clyde then I flip him off.

"Hey Craig and Clyde!" Kyle says high fiving both of us

"How come I don't get a fist bump or high five Craig?" Token says rolling his eyes

"Because Kyle is an exception because he is chill."

"Heyyyyyy what about me" Clyde pouted.

I flip off Clyde

"Anyway let's wait for Stan and Kenny to roll up with the new kid!" Kyle says

Butters rocks up out of no where jump scaring Clyde.

Clydes pouts like usual.

"Hey fellas I got Cartman with us!" He says waving his hand to all of us.

"Fuck you guys." Cartman says while drinking his ice coffee.

"Fatass literally nobody asked." Kyle said

"STFU YOU JEW!!" He says because Kyle and Cartman don't have the best friendship.

We are all just hanging around then Butters comes running up fo Kenny and cuddling him (they are together). Then Stan goes and high fives everyone around, I get a view of a beautiful green eyed Blonde.....


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