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Tweek pov:
Today was very rough day, I just moved back to South Park after years of being away at boarding school because of my problems with my sexuality and just my mental health, but finally I am back home living better than ever with my friend Kenny and more again. Long story short my name is Tweek Tweak, have blonde hair and green eyes and I'm Gay (but closeted) only Kenny knows I'm gay though because I trust him the most, he is my best friend. My parents own a coffee shop called Tweak bros it isnt the best but it's still decent coffee brewed. Anyway back to my first day at South Park High!

I met Stan he is one of Kenny's good friends, he was driving us to school. I got told I can hang around with Kenny and his gang which I got told contained him Craig, Clyde, Stan, Kyle, Butters, Token and Cartman and now apparently me.

I got told the girls are very problematic and stuff so I don't wanna get stuck in their drama, which I don't really care about because for some reason I build good friendships with girls.

Anyway Stan passed the Bluetooth cord to Kenny and he decided to play Fine by Lemon Demon, which is a really good song tbh.

I was humming to the lyrics while Kenny and Stan were bopping their heads and singing, we had a great time playing music for a good 10 minutes until I hit my nightmare, school.


"Tweek it is ok Stan and I will walk in with you and take you to get your student Id and stuff." Kenny says smiling and Stan puts a thumbs up.

"T-thank you guys f-for being good people." I say, shit my stuttering is starting up again!

"Oh it's no problem we will protect you from fuck heads which get in your way!" Stan says fake boxing Kenny.

I walk into school with them we were in the locker area and this blonde hair with a pastel blue jumper comes running into Kenny's arms which is Butters his lover.

Stan goes and says high and fist bumps everyone, I see this black haired and blue eyes boy with a blue chello on with a navy blue nasa shirt and black jeans and white airforce ones, he was kinda cute. BUT NO TWEEK DONT BE LIKE THAT YOU JUST MET HIM!!!

"OH GUYS THIS IS TWEEK, his parents own Tweak bros." Kenny says dragging me over to the group.

"Y-yep that's m-me!"

"HEY WASSUP!!" This browned haired boy says.

I jumped and got scared.

"Clyde I fucking told you not scare the new kid in the car-" the blue hat dude says

"Craig just let me greet people how I want." Clyde says pouting

I giggle a bit.

"I am Craig sup."

I just look at him and just greet him with a wave.

Fuck I'm awkward.

"Hey wassup I'm Kyle and this is Fatass I mean Cartman." Kyle said dragging Cartman by the shirt.

"Oh wassup twitchy." He says

"CARTMAN LAY OFF YOU FUCK HEAD." Kyle says punching him in the nose.

"Sorry about that Cartman can be a fuck tard sometimes." Kyle says in a calming voice.

"O-oh it's f-fine." I say twitching.

Kenny sees I'm not too comfortable and says "hey Stan remember how we had to take Tweek to the office or get his student id and timetable?"

Stan looks then knows what to do "oh yeah sorry guys we gotta go cya at lunch or sum."

Kenny pov:

God Cartman really had to do that did he? Thanks to Kyle lord what would've happened. Anyway I am Kenny I am the one with Blonde hair and a chipped tooth and who always wears a hoodie and is dating Butters! I'm also one of Tweek's good friends for many years, and my goal is to make Tweek feel good in this town and find what he needs a boyfriend and I got an eye on who he would be good with, but fuck I'm saying it Rn no jinxing! Anyway Stan and I took Tweek to get his shit ready and stuff.

"Hey how are you coping Rn Tweek?" I say stretching.

"Well it's n-not too bad Rn because that Cartman kid isn't around he makes me feel unsafe and gives me flashbacks to boarding school." He says in a sad voice

"Oh no don't worry I will beat the shit out him with Kenny because nobody likes a bully don't we?"

"Stan do not sing that bullying song again-" I say becoming pissed.

Tweek starts laughing

"No I wanna hear it n-now!" He says still giggling.

"Ok it's goes like bullying isn't coo-"

I put my hand over his mouth

Stan pouted "unfair!"

Tweek keeps giggling

*time goes by*

"Ok so here's ur time table and ur student id your in room 43 for home room!" Office lady says.

"Oh your in Tuckers and Donavan's Home room I can take you there!" Stan says

"Alright guys I'm gonna go to home room now cya!" I say smiling

*first bell rings*

Today is gonna be a great day :)))

(Sorry for the shorter chapter).

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