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Tweek pov:
God I was so worried about Craig how could he do this?! He could be in jail for the rest of his life maybe sent to death row

"It's okay Tweek he just got bailed out let's huddy hope his parents take it not too bad and Craig is strong," Stan says patting my back.

Stan is not the nurturing type but I'm glad he still tries his best to make me feel better all night, all of them made me not fully forget by made me not twitch or overthink it too much. But Craig was still on my mind during all of that, it's always Craig.


"Knock it off!" Craig says getting up off the ground, his nose was dripping liquid while his fathers fists were covered with the same red liquid which was on Craig's face.

"Now you little asshole you better listen to me and listen carefully, we are done with this and you. We are not putting up with this now you better put your act together or you will be out of this house pretty quick or never," Thomas says ripping his belt off.

"Now don't say anything you little smart ass,"

Craig just flips him off and walks out of the house taking keys with him, he unlocks the car and hears the distance of his father he once loved screaming and taking his anger out on him. This didn't phase Craig as much as usual, he just got use to it for the countless times it has happened. He doesn't like his father, once he did.

8 years back:

"Hey you got this Craig it's just a throw I believe in you!" Thomas yells clapping his hands together from a distance.

Craig felt a sudden nerve and holds the ball to his heart and throwing himself down.

Thomas sees this and jumps into action.

"It's okay to be nervous buddy, not always going to be a good shit everytime,"

Craig gives him a fade smiles and gets up warming him self up, Thomas runs back a distance.

"Now let's try a spin ball,"

It gives Craig 15 seconds to get his thoughts into mind and throws it like nobody has event seen before.

"Goodjob Craig I'm so proud of you," Thomas says running over to hug him, Craig smiles giddily.

*end of flashback*

Man I wish he still talked to me like that now he says he is disappointed. I'm now the disappointment of the family.

As driving down the small and quiet streets of South Park, I see the little blonde boy at the front of his house.

Of course I was gonna stop there.

"Craig!" Tweek says running over to him and hugging them.

They both got red very quick, Tweek stopped hugging as quick as he could after.

"Ummmm sooo," I said beginning to sweat on my palms.

"It's okay how was the overnight stay?" Tweek said looking at me looking worried.

As much as I was zoned out the one thing I couldn't lay my eyes off is those god damn emerald eyes. Maybe I should listen to Randy...

"C-Craig?" Tweek says looking concerned.

We get closer and closer, our breathes we're centimetres away from each other's faces.

"Ummm, bye." Tweek says running back into his house.

I thought this was my time to shine, I was a professional I was a kisser. Now I'm just blob of nervousness around this blonde tweaky boy. I need to get my head together.

"I'm so stupid," I says as getting back into my car, driving away to my comfort.

The drive was quiet once again, I wish Tweek could've joined me but I freaked him out.

Ring ring


*Call between Kenny and Craig*

Kenny: sooo do y'all kiss?

Craig: I fucked it up he ran away when we were so close

Kenny: Come on Craig be a man about this.

Craig: it just hard I never act like this around people or any of my hook ups.

Kenny: maybe he is the one

Craig: or not...

Kenny: come on chin up buddy come and pick me up we will talk about this over pizza at Pizza Hut.

Craig: whatever cya homo I'm coming.

Kenny: bye homo

*call ended*

My directions changed into going over to the poor side of town to go get Kenny and his herpes ass. His house was kind of close but it was a pain in the ass to get to due to all of the homeless people in the streets of South Park lately.

As I came to a stop, Kenny was waiting out there with a backpack and grinning.

"What a dumb fucker," I say to myself.

"I can hear you dickhead!" Kenny replies as walking over to the car.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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