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Tweek pov:

Oh wow i guess i dont have stan nor kenny in my home room, what a sad life. Any Stan was telling me that Clyde and Craig are in my homeroom, so I will try stick around them for now. I just hope that im not gonna get bullied by anyone, but right now I think Cartman has a target on me so lets pray he isnt my class. I was just roaming my thoughts and listening to Stan tell me about the group so I can get to know them.

"Anyway Tweek we are right at your room!" Stan say smiling.

"Oh thank y-you!"

Then Stan walks off.

Before I walk in I take a deep breath and find myself a seat in the back corner, I see Clyde and Craig they were in front of me Chatting about, Instead of chatting with them I just get out my note book and sketch some things which are in my mind to calm myself. I know when the teacher comes in they will come and make me stand up and shit but fuck that!

* Bell rings*

Mr Garrison was like 10 minutes late so everyone was acting crazy for awhile till he comes in. I notice Craig kept on looking at me which I really didnt mind because I usually get use to it now.

"Alright class we have a new student come up here!" Mr Garrison says



"U-uhhh H-hi my name is T-tweek!"

Fuck I just messed up my whole reputation.

"Oh nice to meet you Tweek who wants to take him around the school for a view?" he says roaming his eyes

He looks at Craig

"Ah Craig here can do it!" he says

Craig looks at me then Mr Garrison then flips him off, guess thats what he does ig.

"First off Mr Tucker you're getting a detention because this is he 100th time this month!" Mr Garrison says.

He doesnt look like he gives a shit.

We walk out of the class, Clyde waves us both goodbye Craig flips him off then Mr Garrison Just yells at him then Craig grabs me by the hand and we both run. Guess he wanted to bail out of that classroom.

"Alright lets see thee timetable." he says grabbing the paper out of my book bag.

"Ah we are in 5 classes together, so for the other 2 you will be with Stan, Kenny and Butters." He says in his monotone voice.

Yes good I have classes with them too!

"And just to give you a heads up fatass I mean Cartman is in our science class so if he gives you shit just lmk because I will beat him up." he says smiling.

I smile back "T-thank you."

He walks and says "I will just show you the basics for now because you wont need really all the classes so just follow my lead."

I follow, wow he is such a great guy ngl.

Craig pov

I was sitting in class with Clyde, he was being an absolute twat when we were sitting i realized tweek was here in the back corner just drawing. I was glaring then looking back at Clyde, I just couldnt get enough of his green eyes then we made eye contact then looked away, I was bit flushed. 

"OOOOOOO" Clyde says.

I flip him off 

"heyyy" He says pouting and whining.

After 10 minutes Mr Garrison walked in and stuff and introduced Tweek to all of us and shit, then he got me a detention and got me to take Tweek around the school, so today is my chance to make a good impression and a friend. Mr Garrison got me to run out of the classroom so technically I grabbed Tweek's hand and I went a pink colour but anyway I went out of the classroom. 

I grabbed Tweek's time table and stuff told him the basics and shit.

We were walking and talking then I asked what his last name was

"Whats your proper name?'' 

"I-its Tweek T-Tweak!" He says

I see that he stutters which I dont really care about, its kinda adorable.

I took him around the school for about 2 or so hours, then it became lunch time. Tweek and I decided to walk to the table together since Kenny and stuff with my group which isnt a big deal but its good now because Tweeks there. I have realised me and Tweek have a decent amount in common.

We both like Playstation, Nirvana, Weezer (same with Stan), Lemon Demon and yeah I also heard he has an obession with coffee and that why he is so jumpy. 

Anyway Lunch was great I had a left over KFC burger and Token and Clyde rolled up with some drinks, they bought me a mountain dew because mountain dew is the best soda no arguing. Tweek did not have any food i felt bad so I gave him some sandwich I also brought if I was hungry and for basketball practice.

"Tweek how is South Park treating you?" Butters says stealing some of Kenny's chips he had.

"Uh y-you know i-its ok." He says biting into the PB and J sandwich I gave him.

"Do you play any sports?" Clyde says throwing his base ball around.

"W-well I-I do some baseball b-back in m-my town I-I u-use to b-be a pretty decent f-feilder." He says looking a Clyde

Clyde throws and says "Think fast!"

Tweek caught it but was twitching more.

"Very unexpected b-but nice!" He says looking at him with a smile.

"Well you should join the team! Stan, Kenny and I play baseball the others play basket ball and some of us play both!" Clyde says with a smile.

"I-I probably will do some b-baseball but I will be d-doing some work f-for my p-parents." Tweek says.

"You should try get me a job because I need a job parents keep bugging me about being jobless." I say drinking up my mountain dew.

"I-I could t-try" He says looking and smiling.

"Sweet, btw lets all hang out after school at the mall or sum." I say.

"Bet I will see if I can go" Stan says

"Me too" Kyle says.

*Bell rings*

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