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It was the first day of eighth grade and Demetri stood around in his science class as the teacher gave everyone their seats. He didn't have any friends in this class so hoping to get seated with his friend was no use.

The old man read from the role "Demetri?" he said looking around the classroom for someone to react. Demetri rose his hand avoiding eye contact with his teacher. "Alright, you'll be sitting here," the gray-haired man said pointing to Demetri's new seat. Demetri walked over to it and sat down hanging his blue backpack from the chair.


Y/n felt the urge to roll her eyes. Is that how they would refer to her every time? LaRusso this, LaRusso that. Daniel LaRusso's perfect daughter. At least they thought so. Y/n rose her hand.

The old man smiled at her "you'll sit next to Demetri over there" Y/n nodded her head and made her way over to her assigned seat. As y/n made her way over Demetri began to stiffen up. Y/n was one of the popular rich girls so he expected her to be annoyed she'd have to sit next to a 'peasant' like him.

Y/n gave him a small smile as she sat down beside him and placed her backpack beside her chair. Demetri gave her an awkward smile in return. Soon after that most students had been seated and talked amongst themselves, at least those who were friends did.

The old man asked everyone to quiet down and slowly everyone did so. "So to start this off we're going to do some icebreakers. Please turn to your seat partner and say your name, favorite color, and hobbies". Those who didn't know their seat partner internally groaned and cursed at the teacher. After the given instructions y/n turned to Demetri placing her hands on her lap.

Demetri did the same and fiddled with his fingers.
"I'm Y/n-" Y/n began before getting cut off my Demetri " Samantha's sister," he said. Y/n's eye twitched at his comment. "Right," Y/n said clenching her jaw. Demetri quickly noticed her demeanor change "I'm sorry-I-I" Demetri stammered. He began to feel bad.

"It's fine, what's your name?" Y/n asked. "Demetri, we've had some classes together" Demetri answered. "Really..." y/n mumbled. 'How did she not notice him?' "B-but it's okay! Besides I usually just sit far away." Demetri reassured. "Let's continue, yeah? Um, my favorite would probably have to be Blue" Demetri said.

"Mine is (f/c)" y/n answered simply. "my hobbies consist of...(hobby), drawing, and karate" Y/n explained. Demetri nodded his head as he listened. After she finished Demetri opened his mouth to speak "I like watching marvel movies or doctor who, reading comics, and hanging with my friend."

Y/n nodded her head showing that she was paying attention to him. The two then turned around and faced the whiteboard. "That should've been enough time for you guys to talk. Now since we have quite a few units we have to do, we're going to start our work." The old man said.

But even before that could happen he went over the disclosure, rules, safety procedures which ultimately took up the rest of the class. The bell rang ending their science class. Students were quick to dip out of that class and head to their other classes.

Y/n stood up and picked up her backpack; slinging it on her shoulder. Demetri did the same and both walked out the door "Boo!"Andy said popping in front of his girlfriend. Y/n jumped ever so slightly. "Jesus Andy, you scared me" y/n laughed. "Whoops," The chocolate-haired boy smiled.

From behind Demetri watched and couldn't help but stare. Y/n noticed him "Bye Demetri" she waved before walking away. Andy eyed him up and down before catching up to the (hair color) girl, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

That was Demetri's first real encounter with Y/n
LaRusso and if he had to admit she wasn't so bad.

『• • • ✎ • • •』

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Few chapters coming soon ;))
Small chapter but it's the beginning so bear with me.
anyways sorry for any typos :/


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