𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵

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School had yet to start and y/n walked through the halls filled with students. Y/n heard her name being called from behind her and so she turned to see who it was. "Y/n! Hey!" Miguel shouted as he jogged up to her. "Miguel?" Y/n said. "Hey—um I was wondering if you knew where Sam's locker was?" Miguel said. " For what?" Y/n asked she was now intrigued. "For something" Miguel muttered. "What is it?" Y/n got closer to him. His face was about to start burning. "Hmm?" Y/n continued to inch closer to his face. "I'm gonna ask your sister out" Miguel confessed.

"You finally grew some balls man!" Y/n wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, whatever" Miguel playfully rolled his eyes. "In that case, I'll gladly take you, my dear friend," Y/n said and began dragging Miguel to her sister's locker. "Here you go," Y/n said tapping on Sam's locker. "Thanks" Miguel smiled.

"Of course, wish you luck!" Y/n winked and walked away. As she walked away she bumped into someone's chest. "Oh sorry my...bad..." Y/n said looking up at the person. He had a blue Mohawk and a scar on his lip. Then it hit Y/n. "Holy shit. E-Eli?" Y/n said with her mouth wide open. "Y/n, what's up. Like what you see?" Eli smirked. "I—I'm definitely seeing something. Holy crap...when did you do, that?" Y/n said pointing at his hair. "A day ago" Eli responded. "By yourself?" Y/n asked. "Hell yeah," Eli responded proudly.

"Also, it's Hawk now," Eli-or Hawk said. "Hawk, interesting" Y/n mumbled. "I-uh gotta get to my locker I'll see you later," Y/n said. "Alright see you" Hawk waved before walking away to Miguel who successfully got 'not a date' with Sam. Y/n started to make her way to her locker not too far from Sam's. "Y/n hold on!" Demetri said as jogged up to her.

Y/n stopped in her tracks and spun around facing Demetri "Hey, what's up?" Y/n smiled. "Nothing much...how are you?" Demetri asked shoving his hands into his pockets. "I'm doing good, what about you?" Y/n responded. "I'm good. I wanted to ask you..." Demetri said. "What?" Y/n tilted her head. Demetri couldn't get the words out. He was frozen. It wasn't as easy as Miguel made it up to be. "I wanted to ask you...if—if you...you had the answer for number two on the worksheet for last class?" Demetri stammered. "Oh yeah, here let me get it out for you," Y/n said pulling out the worksheet from her backpack. She handed it to him "if you need any other ones to feel free to copy them too" Y/n grinned.

"Got it...thanks" Demetri responded. The bell rang, meaning school had now started. "see you at lunch, bye!" Y/n said as she walked away to her class forgetting she was headed to her locker. "Bye..." Demetri waved.

"Really dude?" Hawk said walking up behind Demetri. "Come on we rehearsed everything" Miguel sighed. "I couldn't say it okay? It's way more intimidating telling it to the actual person than to your friend" Demetri scoffed. "Just go for it she won't reject you, man" Hawk patted Demetri's shoulder. "I don't wanna ruin our friendship...id rather just stay friends" Demetri sighed.

"Okay then ask her out as friends," Miguel said. "I'm not sure..." Demetri responded. "Don't be a chicken" Hawk said to his friend before walking away heading to his class. "Don't think of it as asking her out on a date. Just hanging out as friends." Miguel said before saying bye and heading to his first class.

Demetri shook his head 'I'm not capable of asking someone out much less Y/n.' He thought before making his way to his class nearly making it in time.

-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-

As if someone had answered the student's prayers the bell rang and the school day was over. Y/n walked to her locker putting textbooks and other materials she wouldn't be needing to take home. Closing her locker she was met with Demetri leaning on the locker beside her. "Y/n, Fancy seeing you here," Demetri said. Y/n laughed "Yeah...what are you doing?" Y/n gave the dark-haired boy a funny look. "I...Um..." Demetri straightened himself up. Nervously he fiddled with his fingers "I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out? Today, if that's cool with you"

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