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Y/n woke up deciding she'd head to the dojo to begin her training. For what exactly? The All Valley of course!
Y/n had talked to her father about a day prior which went a little like this:

Y/n moved the food on her plate not taking any bites. "Honey is everything okay? You haven't touched your food" Amanda asked with concern. Daniel nodded "yeah we're here for you, sweetie. what's on your mind?" Y/n looked between her food and her parents. Sam and Anthony weren't around so there wouldn't be any interjecting themselves into the conversation.

Y/n exhaled "The  All-Valley Tournament is coming up pretty soon and I was wondering-"Y/n didn't even finish her sentence before her father talked "No. you can't. Those Cobra Kai's will likely go and sign up for the tournament and I don't want them close to you, they're bad news" Daniel said sternly.

"You don't know that. I know people in Cobra Kai and they're just fine." Y/n replied. "What did I say about avoiding kids in Cobra Kai?" Daniel asked. "Well, it's a little hard to do that when all my friends are in Cobra Kai!" Y/n crossed her arms.
"I just wanna show them that I can be just as badass as they are if not even more."

"Look sweetie you can't. You just can't. Those Cobra Kai's always have something up their selves and they can't be trusted " Daniel sighed. "Oh yeah, you're 'here for me' alright! Whatever, I don't care." Y/n stood up from her chair and stormed off to her room.

Daniel sighed once more. "Maybe you should let her...it's been so long. Besides wouldn't you want to join if all of your friends were joining too?" Amanda placed her hand on Daniel's hand.
"But I just want to protect her..."

It was clear to Y/n that entering into the All Valley was something that Daniel wasn't gonna let happen. But what if he didn't know?

That's what Y/n planed exactly. Enter without her dad knowing. Of course, he would see her but she could deal with that after the tournament. Y/n walked into their dojo taking her shoes off and placed them on the wooden bench as well as placing her phone beside it.

Y/n walked onto the matt doing some breathing exercises she was taught. After she began doing small movements making sure to keep her balance. Gradually she began doing bigger moves, more kicking, and punching. Y/n paused for a moment and began lifting her leg and arms curving her hands. And with ease, she performed the infamous crane kick.

Y/n grinned to herself. The muscle memory she thought she lost was coming back and it was coming back quick. Though practicing by herself wasn't exactly too great since there she couldn't anticipate others' movements. Nonetheless, she continued perfecting her skills. Half an hour passed before she heard her name being yelled loud and clear. Y/n got off the mat and quickly put her shoes on.

Y/n jogged towards the kitchen where the shouts came from. As she walked in she saw her dad, her mom, and Miguel's sensei. "Holy shit wait...you're a LaRusso?" Johnny cursed. "Hey what are you talking about?" Daniel glared at the blonde male. "She came into my dojo. Glad I figured out sooner, I had high hopes for you" Johnny pointed at Y/n with his fork.

"Wait what? Y/n is that true?!" Daniel looked at his daughter. Y/n averted her eyes away from him. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! First, you hang out with those Cobra Kai kids and then you go to their dojo?" Daniel covered his face.

"AND you crashed into his car?" Amanda added. "Nah, not this one, the other one: brown wavy hair" Johnny described before taking a bite of his eggs. "Look dad I went because I wanted to check it out of curiosity...and also I saw my friend kick ass," Y/n mumbled the last part. Johnny heard and snickered. "What are you laughing at?" Daniel asked. "Oh nothing " Johnny replied innocently.

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