My last hurrah.

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"No matter how long one will fight. No matter how fast one can heal. For us, there is only hell."
"Long ago, our ancestors fought off predators, which threatened our lands, ensuring our protection. There were parasites hidden deep in the mountains, though they never came to surface, it was well known to avoid wandering through the streets at night. it is not what They are that dangers us, it is what we are that makes us vulnerable to Them."

It was a cloud morning, the grey clouds promise a storm to follow, shadow covers the land. I stand facing a dusty mirror in my house. Then a wipe of the pane my image becomes readable. A 19 year old stands staring back at me from the mirror. Her eyes a pale green and her hair is a dark brown with slight red tinge to it. Lips curl into a small smile it was a pretty sight.

My father ,Kodlak,ties the back of my metal chest piece. Today is the day when I am to become a knight. So my father procured a set of double thick armor from the blacksmith. The best protection he could give to me is not words but armor now. This trial will depend solely on my abilities to avoid being hacked to pieces and landing fatal blows.

"Good Luck, my child." He holds my helmet. "Lady Myria has my whole hearted trust. She will watch over me until I fall onto my own sword." I watch as he nods. He hands me the helmet. "I worry sometimes but then I remember, it was me who trained you." He smiles wide, he bares his teeth. He has but a slight gap in between the two front teeth. A long greyed beard, braided and knotted off. His white hair is tugged into a tight braid.

I bow my head gladly. "I will bring our family honour." I rub my arms then walk out of the room. I would let my father lead me out but today I must let myself walk beside him on the way there. We are equal now. Brilliant fighters walking beside each other but the respect between the other is not breakable. A father, through his grief overcame the pain of raising the child who tore his first love away. A daughter who by all accounts have done every command, trained the exact way, cleaned just precisely, to her fathers expectations without failure.

After my trials, I will tell my father my one true regret.

As we both leave the house, him before me as normally, we set out to middle of Groldic side by side. The exact center where Lord Cartol Lenard, The first true Ruler of Groldic, first trained his son amongst the most soon to be elite Knights.

The streets crowd with life, beggers occupying corners, mothers with children on hip, men buzzing from district to district. Life in Groldic was on a constant flow. Everyone having somewhere to be.

I would be the first woman on the Knights regiment. They have brute strength, I had agility.

They swing hard and slow, I swing fast and deep. There are several disadvantages to being a woman in battle. If I am up against another man like myself I cannot hold back. My life would depend on it. The failure to join the knights is a blemish. Any guard I prove to beat would become.. unstable no doubt.

If we surpass all the tests I will be welcomed into the knights regiment without question. I have to keep my head levelled, the men will test my ability to remain concentrated. If my concentration broke I would be signing my own death certificate.

I hold the hilt of my blade. As we walk women and children stared at us while the men sneered. They can't handle the fact women can be as valuable in battle as they are themselves.

Upon arrival to the heart of Groldic the guards part ways for my father but one blocks my path.

His voice arrogant rings out, "A warrior enters. The whore stays."

My brow raises as surprise takes over my expression as the ape bares down on me.

It is my father who speaks next, "I believe you have until the count of ten gold coins to back away, son." My father, Kodlak, reaches into his pocket. He drops one onto the ground just before my feet. Then the other, and another, and another.

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