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I feel the sunlight hit my arms, for a second it is like a layer of honey dousing my skin with astonishing delight. It becomes too much though, the honey is set on fire, the delight turns to flight..

I open my eyes as a jolt pushes me up into a sitting position and forces me to move out of the way of the suns rays. There is a single hole in the ceiling that allows the light in. From a single glance at the strange environment I am positively sure I am inside a barn. Inside one of the cubicles designed to hold horses more specifically. Of course it seems to me that it was vacant due to it being half caved in.
I stand up up avoiding the light. I walk to the gate. It has matted hey stuck to its corners. Sign that life used to belong in here.

My dirty linens have stains of blood. I try to speak but it comes out weak and raspy. "Hello?" I cough and say the words meaning friend in the universal language between all five capitals "Lamorian?" I don't get a response. All I get is the wind blowing through the rafters and an owl Hoo-ing.

I reach a blood stained hand to the latch on my door and pry it to unlock me from this cage. Of course I could swing my legs over but I don't think I have enough strength for that.

It opens with ease and I walk out. I am stuck inside the barn for now. I go to the barns entrance and peaking through the opening it looks as if the sun has just risen the farmers around might not bother to come in but if they do I suggest they find a clergy or a high priestess. Vampirism is said to be curable but comes at a great cost. A voice speaking familiar words ring inside the back of my head.

"The thirst will rise then the inability to control her actions will falter." I turn putting my back agains the wall of the barn. "Lady Myria, Lord Falium, Lord Trislin, Thrice Gods. Divination combined.. help me." I shrink to my knees.. 

"Three Gods combined to save the weeping girl. Do they realize she favours the dark before the light?" The voice whispers, radiating from all over. 

I inhaled deeply "I favor lady Myria, she is true to those most devoted to her." I cup my mouth and inhale a deep breath. A chilling laugh erupts from deep within the barn. 

"And look where you stand now, Lady Luck didn't care what happened to you." The same voice says from where the grain would usually spill out into truffles. "Perhaps she just overlooked a minor detail." I place my forehead onto my knees. "Not like it matters, I am damned." I hold my head in my hands.

Time passes so slowly, I made use of a broken stone rock to throw around but it was utter shit, having to bend my aches and pains while I retrieved the rock. Soon after I just got tired and stopped walking all together laying on the dirty ground. who knows what has been dropped on here, the back of some farmers girl, cow or horse or pig dung or even maybe owl pellets. I decided to make a story of what happened in this barn on this particular spot.

My imagination forces a grimace and I move away feeling dirtier than before. My hands wipe at my side and legs. I feel the hunger start to set. My fingers twitch for satiation. My lips are constantly parched of hydration so I have to lick my lips to keep moisture on it. I keep reminding myself of how I'm still living and if I'm still living then so is my father or maybe some of the Knights regiment. If they aren't then does that mean I am the last survivor of Groldic, the kingdom which control most of the produce within the 5 kingdoms? Without us, a famine would surely take hold over the kingdoms.

I look back outside and see night is starting to fall. "Come on!" I stand up quickly and run to the door. 

"Run fast, at the end of dawn the farmers plan on burning this barn to the ground." He says with a chuckle. "And you are not too fast right now, you're feeling the fatigue drawn on by the hunger." I wish he would shut up. My legs hurt from standing but I continue to so I can know when exactly it is a good time for me to leave. "I am looking forward to not hearing you anymore." I stare slowly testing the light one finger at a time. "Sorry to bare bad news but, we are connected. I inadvertently tried to kill you but in the flurry of movements from the Knights and the guards my blood had been ingested by a certain individual of which I now share the barn with." He says slowly. I whip around and stomp forward. My hands clenched into tight fists.

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