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A new world to learn. How ironic. I finish learning of one to just start all over once more. The precise emotion I feel is frustration. My fingertips work into my hair as the realization came over me more. My fingers curled before my scalp. The urge to tug and pull was strong, though unfavorable. I let my arms fall back onto my sides just as I push my feet into motion.

I walk down the hall of which Borri had left me. I link my fingers together as I walk, my forearms bumping against my thigh with each step. I find my room as Borri had said, it was at the far end and to my surprise it was lavish. The bed has silken sheets with a plush thick blanket. Once I place my hand onto the bed itself I realize it is made purely of feathers just as is the pillows that are neatly propped up against the head rest. In the room, parallel to the sides' of the bed are three doors; One on the left and two on the right.

I smile lightly as I make my way to two doors and open it. I see the familiar sight of one thing. A matching outfit with delicate metal works. It's red stares at me invitingly. My light smile drops from my face.

Suddenly, my hair rises with the scent of a new being entered the room. Just as I was going to turn the voice spoke. "I always liked this one." The voice belonged to Arren. "When I found what I had done to you, I gathered some things of familiarity from your home and scattered them around inconspicuous." He said softly as he walked across the room and lifted a wooden panel brush. It's bristles tilted slightly from all its uses. "Such as this one." He says finally after a moment of silence. 

My eyes welled with tears, his confrontation brings more memories that were taken from me. I will never reach the goals in my life. What might remain of my kingdom, is it salvageable? Will I ever find an equal to share my life with? All these thoughts pollute my mind as they are achievements I would. I tilt my head down as I inhale deeply. My top lip curls slightly on top of my bottom lip. Out of habit, I would bite down on my bottom lip to keep myself from tearing up. I inhale deeply once more to stop anymore tears that threaten to spill out onto my cheeks. A deathly familiar tightening in my chest almost made me tilt forward in a silent cry.

"You'll be okay, Delcia." Arren hushes softly. 

Suddenly, his body slowly goes rigid. And just as I lift my eyes to him. I see his eye locked on me. The intensity to them made me take a step back. I wonder why he is staring at me like that until he starts to advance slowly. "I need answers." He drew close until he was a foot from me. Shadow wisps from his body tendril their way outwards. "Why does your heart beat still?" He lowers his head to mine so I can see into his eyes. The almond shape held an intensity I was unfamiliar with. I part my lips to speak but only air comes out so I shake my head. I am still weary of telling him things even though I'm sure he can hear my thoughts. 

Suddenly his hands slam down on the wall behind me, his forearms planted firmly above my shoulders, I stifle a shout. Shielding my face from Arren i use this opportunity to whistle. It comes out sharp but cuts off rather quickly.

Borri comes into the room in a black flurry of shadows. The shadows settle and this is when I see his expression, he has a grimness to it. As if he was prepared to kill. "Arren!" His voice booms with no hint of friendly warmth.

Arren withdraws his hands from the wall behind me, there is no emotion behind his dull eyes. He takes a step from me and bows his head. He casually walks from the room. Borri has his hands clasped behind his back before shifting his gaze to me with a sympathetic smile. He turns and slowly walks from the room. At this point, I rest my back against the mahogany stained dresser doors.

It takes me awhile to compose myself back to my brave woman posture.
During a night of confusion and torment I would be by my father. His words guiding me, I cannot look for that wisdom in tonight's evening. My father is dead. I have come to accept this.

Instead my mind turned towards the bed. I was fatigued and restless simultaneously

I wondered where hanir was during this night. I yearned for companionship. He was for all who could guess my companion. He had been my sparrow when it was time to fly. He was obviously a scholar in training and that is something I believed I must value. He has more education than I. I should be taking him as a teacher to guide me with more knowledge.

But tonight I should rest. Tomorrow has a promise of being just as cold as today.

I move for the bed. My fingers grip the silk sheets and I flip the sheets over onto itself. I remove the clothing on my body. The grime of the past night still cling to my skin.

I cross the room to a door. Opening it brings me to a small tunnel. The sound of rushing water and steam pour from the door. There by my room is a natural hot springs.

The way down to the springs was slippery every so often I found a patch of dirt to add traction to the bottom of my feet.

As I step off of the last stair I find myself staring at a bubbling body of water contained a stone circle. Steam falling over the edge of the basin.

To the side of the room sat bottles of soap. I collected one of these and another specified for the hair.

Stepping into the bath is magnificent. I could feel my skin becoming cleaner with each second. I begin to scrub my skin with the soap. The blood and dirt being washed away. Particularly near my wrists and neck.
I dunk my head under the water. My fingertips scratching at my scalp. Digging the forestry from my head and the dirt crusted to my hair like dandruff.

Raising up I notice the water levels have gone down a second before in the walls a gush of water brings the levels back as they were before.

I finish quickly. The stones are slick from the steam and as I reach for a cloth. I notice a lever on the side.

I enclose my fingers around it and press it downwards. Theres a shift in the rocks and as there is; tunnels of light pour into the room.

The lever causes a shift which in turn opens the latch for the steam to roll outwards. I step onto a pair of flat  wooden shoes. I also take a cloth to wrap my hair in.

I make my way back upstairs where my room is located in much easier than it had been before. The shift in temporatures makes me shiver. I rest the wooden shoes by the door after shutting it behind me.

I stroll past the bed to the closet doors in which I grasp a beige nightgown. It was simple. No lace or anything of the sorts. I step into it tugging the gown up my sides. Its fabric hangs loose from my body. I tighten the string behind my body. 

Once the string is tied off, I glide to
the left side of my bed. I fold the sheet ove on itself and gather myself above the mattress. Its featherly insides make it very squishy. It almost eats up my body had the feathers not been so conpressed inside.

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