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America got back home after a world meeting, his son jumping into his arms.

"Daaaad! Texas is trying to kill me!" Arizona exclaimed.

"Texas, no killing your brother," America said, picking Arizona up, and holding him.

"I wasn't! It's an airsoft gun!" Texas exclaimed.

"Those are for shooting targets and friends at tournaments... not for shooting your little siblings," America said, patting Texas on the head. Texas rolled her eyes.

"Okaaaaaay, I won't... can I shoot you?" Texas asked.

"Nope! Unless you want me to take away your airsoft guns," America said. Texas chuckled.

"You're so tyrannical," Texas said. America nodded.

"Where's your other siblings?" America asked.

"In the pool," Texas said.

"Tex, they can't be in the pool without supervision! You should be out there with them!" America exclaimed, setting Arizona down and rushing outside. He found The rest of his kids having a water gun fight. New Mexico smiled and started spraying at America.

"HIII DAD!" New Mexico exclaimed.

"Hey Junior," America said, sighing. He still had to go to a dinner party tonight, and was dismayed that he now had to change from his drenched clothes.

"Daaaad join us!!!" Nevada exclaimed.

"I'm good... where's Utah?" America asked.

"In the treehouse!" California exclaimed. Utah peeked his head out of the treehouse window and waved at America. America smiled up at his son, and back at his other kids.

"Now, what did we say about swimming when I'm not home?" America asked.

"...not to do it?" New Mexico said.

"Texas said it was ok!" Nevada exclaimed.

"Yeah, but Texas doesn't make the rules now does she?" America asked.

"No...," the kids said.

"Ok... now let's go inside. I still have to change and make dinner before I go out again," America said.

"Is grandma gonna watch us while you're gone again?" California asked.

"No... Puerto Rico will be watching you kids," America said.

"Okaaaaay," Texas said, sure of her own capabilities of watching her siblings.

"I won't be gone long anyway," America said. That night, America left to go to the dinner party hosted by Britain. He wasn't particularly excited, especially since he'd rather stay home with his kids, but he felt bad not attending. However, he was also worried about a particular someone attending...

"America! I'm glad you could make it! How are the kids?" Britain exclaimed, welcoming America inside. America smiled.

"They're good!" America exclaimed. He looked around at the attendees and saw Spain. He winced. Then he must also be here...

America tended to try to avoid him, which was hard when his son shared his same name. It was even harder that they were neighbors. So, when he spotted him out of the corner of his eye talking to Canada he tried his best to look away.

It's ok... it's not like we have to talk...

"America! Over here!" Canada exclaimed. America sighed. Sh*t...

"Hey...," America said, walking up to Canada and Mexico.

"Hola... you seem... the same as usual," Mexico said.

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