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(Oh, btw, Texas is mentally and physically 17 in this

Yea it's important for later)

Eventually they wrapped up dinner, and Mexico helped America tuck the kids into bed. He walked Mexico to the front door, the two of them awkwardly silent.

"So... is... is Cali ok?" Mexico asks. America sighed.

"He's... h-he...," America tried to stop himself from tearing up. He hated talking about Californias pain. It made him feel like a failure as a father. He just couldn't bear the thought that California was cursed to be like this for the rest of his life.

"It's really that bad?" Mexico asked sadly. America wiped his eyes.

"He's coping well with the pain and frequent hospital visits... he just... he's embarrassed of his burns... that's what really pains me... seeing him avoid mirrors... wearing hoodies and jeans even in hot weather... hearing him cry just looking at his face...," He started rambling. He never really talked to anyone about this.

I'm his father.... I should be able to deal with this myself... I... I'm... I'm a horrible father....

"Ame... I...," Mexico stuttered. He was at a loss for words.

"Sorry... it's none of your business-,"

"My children are none of my business?" Mexico said. America shook his head.

"Sorry... I didn't mean it like that... I just... I want to believe that I can... I can help my kids by myself but... I-I...," America stuttered. Mexico sighed.

"Meet me at the bar tomorrow at five... we need to talk," México said. America nodded.

"O-ok...," America said.

The next day, America picked California and Texas up from the hospital.

"Cali, are ya sure you need another hospital teddy bear?" Texas asked. California smiled and hugged his newest bear close.

"I only have five! I want it to be an even number so there isn't any singling out!" California exclaimed. Texas shrugged.

"Fair," Texas said. America dropped them off at home, and started getting ready for work.

"Ok... I'll be out a little longer than usual... and... Texas, you're in charge. No babysitter. Don't make me regret this," America said.

"Don't worry dad! I'm responsible!" Texas exclaimed.

"More like responsible for disasters," California said. The two of them started play fighting, and America sighed.

"Be good ok? If anything happens, Uncle Nada is always across the street... go to him and call me," America said. Texas nodded.

"I know, we'll be ok!" Texas exclaimed. America smiled and hugged his daughter close, before leaving to go to work.

Later that night, he met Mexico at the bar. Despite his transition, Mexico wasn't afraid to dress himself in elegant dress shirts and high-heeled boots. America had to admit, he was very attractive.

"Ame, glad you showed up," Mexico said. America nodded.

"I didn't want to be a no-show, and I still had to get you my uncles business card," America said, handing Mexico the card.

"You remembered!" Mexico said, smiling. America smiled timidly, before sighing. The two were silent for a while.

"...how the f*ck did we get here," America said. Mexico sighed.

"We were young, stupid, and horny... face it, we just wanted an escape from all the noise... we found each other and... yeah...," Mexico said.

"I was so sh*tty back then...," America said.

"Ame, we were abused teen parents who had no goddamn clue what the hell we were doing," Mexico said.

"That's not an excuse... I promised you the world, mex... and all I gave you was a f*ck ton of kids and a traumatic divorce and hellish custody battle... f*ck, at the very least I could've let you share custody but I... god damn it...," America said, hiding his face and trying not to cry. He refused to make himself the victim. Mexico sighed.

"Better late than never," Mexico said.

"...I.... I do think you deserve to have custody over your children, even if it's partial," America said. Mexico nodded.

"Ame, I want you to know, that even though that all was a mess that I wish we delt with so much better... if it means we didn't have the kids.... I wouldn't change a thing," Mexico said. America nodded, before smiling slightly.

"Y'know, Cali and Tex are home now.... how about another family dinner?" America said. Mexico smiled.

"That sounds lovely," Mexico said.

They got home, and America knocked on the door.

"INTRUDER?! I HAVE A FIREARM!!!" Texas shouted from behind the door. America rolled his eyes.

"Hon, that's no way to treat your fathers," America said.

"Plural??? You got a date?!" Texas exclaimed, she immediately opened the door, and froze. Mexico smiled.

"Ay mija, I don't know if you even recognize me," Mexico said. Texas seemed to still be processing what she was seeing.

"Tex? C'mon starry, let us in," America said softly. Texas nodded and let her parents in, still staring at Mexico.

"Dads back!! Both dads!" Nevada exclaimed, running up and hugging Mexico with the rest of her quadruplets. Mexico smiled and picked up Nevada and Utah, while America picked up Arizona and New Mexico.

"Dad... um... wow.... when...?" Texas said, still processing.

"A while ago, I hope you don't mind," Mexico said. Texas was silent for a moment.

"I need to talk to you," she said suddenly. America and Mexico glanced at each other. "Alone," Texas added. Mexico nodded and followed Texas to her room.

"Mija... is everything ok?" Mexico asked. Texas took a deep breath.

"'Mijo'," He corrected.

"...Hm?" México asked, wanting to clarify.

"Dad... I.... I... f*ck I feel weird saying this out loud... I want to be a boy," Texas said, tearing up. "God, I sound stupid saying that... I don't know why...,".

"Mijo...," Mexico said, grabbing Texas's hand. "I know the first time you admit it out loud feels strange... I understand... I will talk to your father ok? I just need to know exactly what you need from us," Mexico said. Texas took another deep breath.

"I'm supposed to be honest right?" Texas asked. Mexico nodded. "I want to change everything... my hair, my chest, my... other stuff.... I just..... f*ck...," Texas started sobbing, breathing heavily. Mexico held him close. "Everything about me is just so f*cking wrong and I can't take it anymore," Texas cried. Mexico nodded, running a hand through his hair.

"It's ok Mijo.... we'll make things right... I promise," Mexico said. Suddenly, America knocked on the door.

"Sorry... may I come in? I'm worried about you, Tex," America said. Texas nodded.

"Y-yeah...," Texas said. America walked in and sat next to Mexico and Texas.

"What's wrong?" America asked. Mexico nodded at Texas, who sighed.

"We need to talk,"

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