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"And there, we... go!" You pulled the last of the bandages off of Jerome's wound. It was slightly pink, but not infected. You had to call the doctor around twice to take care of Jerome's stitches which you paid hush money for, on Jerome's insistence (and surprisingly his wallet). He just kept busting the stitches open. It probably didn't help when all he did in his sleep was toss and turn, but funnily enough, when you slept with him, he was still. He spoke, laughed croakily sometimes, clenched and twitched twitched a lot. At least he didn't roll around the bed.

Jerome grinned, twisting his torso left and right and stretching his long arms above his head. "Finally. I could have done it myself you know?" You smiled at his bubbly mood. When he was happy, you really couldn't help but laugh too. It was infectious. He was infectious.

"I know. But I'm pretty sure it was safer if I did it with the material scissors... Instead of the kitchen knife."

"Hey, it woulda' been faster. Trust me."

"Yeah, that's not something I wanted to do."
Jerome rolled his eyes and jumped off of the seat, smirking as he walked to the fridge. It was good to see him moving around freely again. His swanky stride taking place once more. Confidence seemed to radiate from his body like the bandages had been confining his self-assertiveness. God, you loved it when he walked that way. It made your headache, your stomach churn and your heart flip. He was gorgeous. 'Too gorgeous...'

Jerome interrupted your thoughts, "How long has it been since I was outside?"

"Mm, a month maybe? More? I'm not too sure. I don't think you should do much until you've got your strength up. I mean, you haven't been doing much."

"Aw, sweet cheeks. You still tryna take care of me?"
You stood up and walked to the coach, snatching up the remote and plonking yourself down, irritated.

"Excuse me for looking out for your well-being," you huffed. After a little pause, you added a little extra under your breath, "You stuck-up gingersnap."

Jerome's rummaging halted, and you could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head. It took all your self-control not to turn around. Instead, you sat firm, glaring at the television, watching nothing in particular.

"Dollface... that's not what I meant." He swung his legs over the back of the couch, landing next to you.

"Yeah well, that's what it sounded like." Your stomach fluttered, and goose bumps raised as his armed snaked its way behind your neck.

Jerome stared at your face, trying to catch your eye in what would have been a puppy-like manner if he wasn't so... snake-ish.

"I do appreciate you helping me out. You know that right?"

You shrugged, not wanting to give up too quickly.

"Ugh, y/n. Why do you have to make things difficult?" He crossed his arms, glaring at the television. He reminded you of a little kid who didn't get his own way. Turning your body towards him, your eyes grazed over his hair, his clenched jawline, his arms, and his clenched fists.

"Jerome." He didn't budge, "Jerome," you sang. He sighed and tilted his head towards you.

"Do you..." He raised his eyebrow, smirking. Amused at your sudden awkwardness, "Do you like me."

His body tensed, and he rigidly turned his head facing you. Your searching eyes locked with his.

"Well, I don't wanna kill ya'."

"That's not answering my question Valeska."

He sighed, running his hand through his hair and staring at the ground. His eyebrows furrowed. He seemed... anxious?

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