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Jerome took the news with a strange, calm demeanour. And if you being completely honest with yourself, it worried you immensely. What was going on in that mind of his? You were scared to find out. It put you on edge. After Jerome's initial shock and amusement had subsided, he merely sat there, in the same position on the couch for a good five minutes. You only sat next to him watching, waiting for an outburst of some sort. Suddenly, a small, soundless laugh escaped his lips. It was just a single breath of amusement, no other tone suggesting anything else. Smiling, he turned towards you,

"Both your parents?" He asked with curiosity. Not mischievously, just interested.

"Yeah... Why?" You were confused, what was he up to?

"Just wondering. You haven't told me much about your, uh, parents -" he said the word with a sense of revulsion - "Think about it, I've told you so much... your turn to spill."

You sighed, still not sure why he would want to know.

"What do you want to know?" You asked, still dumbfounded. Jerome placed a finger under his chin and tilted his head, thinking... theatrically.

"What are they like. I'm guessing just a little different from my parents."

You swallowed, realising your throat had become dry.

"No. I guess my Mom and Dad may be a little different." You looked up to see his grin had widened in amusement. Not mocking, just genuine amusement. You continued, "They were really protective when I was younger. Mom was constantly making sure I was under her supervision. I'd be at a friends house, and they, well mum, would constantly ask what I was doing and where I was. It got a little irritating really. They loosened the reins more after I moved out." You finally took a breath, Jerome's Cheshire like grin twitched,

"They sound nagging. And annoying. I probably woulda got rid of 'em." He shrugged and leant back on the couch.

"Jerome! They're my parents!" You cried. You couldn't believe he would say something like that.  You were becoming more flustered as time passed, worrying about what he was thinking. Jerome lifted his hands in a gesture of mercy,

"Sorry, sorry. Just saying. So what're we gonna do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the guest room's full of my stuff... Some of it, not pleasant so...?"

You sighed. What were you gonna do? Moving Jerome into the guest room had been a challenge. Neighbour proofing it so Jerome wouldn't be found. Even if you were on the third story, it had been a tedious and challenging chore. Covering all the windows in black material late at night in the dark, so it didn't look suspicious. Making sure you bought extra food, toiletries and other basic necessities without it looking suspicious. It was all quite irritating.

You were getting sick of the constant vigilance you had to keep when merely walking out and into your own home. You hadn't met up with any of your friends in months, and it was beginning to bother you. Of course, you only really had two friends, and they were both out of Gotham, studying overseas for their classes for a couple of months. But it was holidays at university at the moment, and you'd taken the semester off in advance. Of course, Jerome never asked about these things. Your ambitions, friends and what not. Jerome interrupted your train of thought, "Ahem, what are we gonna do?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

You knew ideas were swirling around in his head, and you were confident not all pleasant.

"I guess we can only hide all your stuff and pray to God, mom or dad won't find anything." You answered with a sigh.

"How long they staying for anyways?"

"Only over the weekend."

"It's Thursday," He stated with an eye-roll. He defiantly had an answer for your predicament.

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