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Danny's POV

I laid there waiting for something to happen.  It was all quiet throughout the house.  It had been a week sense the last incident.  By last, I meant it happened three times.  It hurt.  I didn't understand why this has been happening.  Blake said that since I cooperated, I get rewarded tonight.  I didn't understand what he was talking about.  I was in pain.  Angel hadn't said a word to me yet.

"Okay, listen.  You are going to take this pregnancy test.  Blake said that if all goes well, you will talk to Mason tonight."  June handed me a box.  I bit my lip.  When she said Mason's name, my heart skipped a eat.

"Oh, alright."  My heart was racing the more I thought about it.  It had been almost three weeks since the problem.  I was going to be able to talk to Mason and tell him that I love him.  I went into the bathroom.  This wasn't too bad of a place.  I was made comfortable, and Blake normally left me alone.  In the past two weks, I ahd become quite close to June actually.  She did have a heart truthfully.  I waited for the test to come with answers. I tapped on the sink anxiously. I looked down.  I covered my eyes.

"June!  June!"  I screamed for her.  She came barraling in.

"What?  What is wrong?"  I had finally gotten somewhat use to her red eyes.  They didn't make me shutter anymore, but they still creeped me out the slightest bit.  I thought that the random flakes of green in her deep red eyes were quite beautiful though.

"I can't look."  I wouldn't look down.  I flipped the stick, so I didn't have to see it.

"So what?  You want me to look at your pee- Oh my God!"  June's eyes were huge.

"What!?"  I looked at it.  I almost died right then and there.  I actually believe that I was about to piss myself all except that I had already emptied my blatter.    This wasn't suppose to happen.  I was suppose to have Mason's pups not Blake's.  I am pregnant.

"I'm sorry, Danny.  I-I-I don't know what to tell you.  I wish-"  June hugged me.  A tear slipped down my face.

"It's okay.  I am a big girl.  I will be fine."  I choked on my won words.  Was I going to be fine?  Probably not.   I was going to want to kill myself in about a month.  Since we were both full blood werewolves though, I should've been ready for birth in aobut two months.  I could manage two months here.  It would be no big deal.

"So how is my girl?"  Blake walked into my room.  It made me sick to my  stomach when he called me that.  I wouldn't look at him.  Not after he raped me.  I didn't look at him once during the incident either.

"Um, okay?"  I practically asked myself.  Was I really okay?  Was I okay with this?  Was I okay with a monster inside of me?

"Is there a baby?"  He asked.  I stepped back.  I looked at June waiting for her to answer.  June took a deep breath in and turned around.

"Yes, there is a baby."  June sighed. Blake smiled widely at me. I looked at him.  He looked so happy.  I smiled a small forced smile at him.  Then, I pressed my lips together and shoved them under my teeth.

"Oh that is wonderful.  Look at it this way, Ever.  You will leave sooner than we both thought.  Mason cannot know though.  If he knows, he will come searching for us.  If he comes after us, I am going to have to kill you.  I don't want to have to do that because I don't want anyone to ever have to feel the pain that I am expiriencing right now.  You just make sure that the baby stays safe."  Blake started to leave.  My mind started racing.

"Wait!"  I yelled after him.  I ran out of the bathroom.

"Yes?"  Blake turned around.  I saw the ame look that Mason would give me if I were home.  

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