Hangovers And Packing

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Never regret anything because at one point in time it was exactly what yoiu wanted.


Danny's Pov

The next day, I had a huge headache, and guess what?! It was Friday, so had to pack all of my shit. Do you know how many hair supplies I carry around?! A lot! This was going to be a long day. When I finally came to, I noticed my back was to some huge walll and something was wrapped around my waist. I slowly opened my eyes. Me, myself, and I wereall happy o see it was only Mason. He was fast asleep Mason looked so peaceful. I attempted to move his hand, but that was pointless. His grip was so tight.

"Mason, we need to get up." I poked him.

"Mmm 15 more minutes." Me moaned. For some reason, I thought it was so freaking hot!

"Mason up now!" I tried to free myself.

"Mmm fine." He said.

"Really?!" I asked happily. I felt accomplished.

"NO."He moaned and held me tighter.

"Ugh!" I moaned adn pushed him off the edge of my bed. That was a really bad idea on my end. Thunk! He hit the floor. Luckily, he had let me go when he fell. I started laughing histarically,

"That was not funny!" He said standing up.

"Just a lil bit!" I finally stopped laughing. he got up and tackled me. Wuickly, he started tickling me.

"So does that mean that this is funny?! Your're laughing now!!" He yelled over my luaghing.

"N-n-n-no! It doesn't!"I screamed. That's when I heard someone running up stairs. "Stop somethin is going on upstairs!" I screamed at him.

"Okay okay!" Mason put his hands up surrendering. I ran up the stairs, but no one was there. All of a sudden, Jasper came tromping down the stairs. That was really strange because he never ever slept here anymore.

"What the hell is going on?!" I blocked the door way.

Brindly's POV

Whoa! I opened my eyes, and I had a massive headache. I didn't get hangovers normally, so I was freaking out to begin with. I flipped over from my stomach to my back, and that's when I realized I wasn't in my room. I looked down to see that I was only wearing a tank top and a pair of boxer shorts that I bought from Victoria Secret. I looked to the left and sawa familiar blue colored wall. Shit! I turned to my right, and Jasper was lying there sleeping shirtless. What the hell was going on?

"Jasper!!" I whisper-yelled. He groaned and opened his eyes.

"Shit!" He grumbled under his breath.

"What happened?!" I questioned, alarmed.

"Nothing... Well, nothing worth regretting." He replied with a smirk. I whacked his arm and pulled the covers off of my body. Before I stood up, he pulled my down,and we were just sitting there staring at eachother. Jasper looked from my eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes. I took a deep breath and I said, "I should probably be leaving." I had one question stuck in my head, "Jasper, werw you the least bit drunk last night?"

Jasper's POV

"Jasper, were you the least bit drunk last night?" Brindly asked me.

"Um.. no." I answered without thinking. Crap!

"Then, why didn't you just take me home? I don't really appreciate you just taking me to your room." Brindly said becoming very angry.

"You seriiously think that I would take advantage of you?!" I asked with a flash of hurt in my eyes.

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