We Are Stupid

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Danny's POV

"Just get in the car Ever." Mason whispered.

"No talk to me." I stood there.

"Just get in the mother f@!king car Ever! I'm not dealing with anymore bullshit tonight." Mason growled at me. I quickly obeyed and climbed into the passenger seat. Mason then appologized to the owner and we left. For about half and hour, we drove in peace and quiet.

"Could you turn on some music?" Mason asked me. He was in a pissy mood, but who could blame him?

"Listen, Mason. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran off with the boys. Jason was-" He cut me off.

"Wait Jason? That was the little prick's name? Wow, you were actually getting to know him! I thought you were just hooking up with him. What was going to happen next?! Were you two going to run off -" I had enough of this.

"No Mason! I was not going to run off with him!! I was trying to get my mind off of you and Tiffany!! But I couldn't! I just kept thinking about you and shit!" I yelled.

"God dammit Ever! Why the hell would I sleep with Tiffany when I have all I want right here! I love you Ever. You may not think that right now, but I do! I love you a lot! You have no idea what happened with Tiffany!!" Mason was going down the highway at about 85 m/p/h at this point.

"Well Mason what happened? I can tell you what it looked like though. It looked like you missed having sex with your little whore. Since you hadn't gotten me yet, it seemed as if you took her instead." Mason growled.

"No that's not what happened. Tiffany was nothing to me. Nothing! I used her for sex. That was it! She is a whore; you're right! When she came up, I told her to leave. I tried to get her to leave, but she just wouldn't! She peirced my hands! I couldn't move! Do you think I would be lying right now?!" Mason held out his hand to me. Sure enough, there were deep healing holes in his hands.

"Oh." I said.

"Yeah, but what was going through your mind Ever? I mean why would you just do that?" Mason was hurt. I felt like crying.

"Because Mason, I did. Okay? Why wouldn't you just make her leave? I mean you just sat on the bed waiting for it. I would take advantage of that too. Why wouldn't you force her out?!?" I wasn't letting go of this so easily.

"Ever just stop!" He growled at me.

"No Mason! I will not! God Mason! I am not going to talk about this! You know why I did it! I think you still want her though." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Believe what ever you want, Ever. I'm not going to fight with you about this." He said as we pulled into town.

"Good, hope you have fun sleeping alone tonight." I stated as we pulled into the garage. I left him standing in the garage by himself. Quickly, I ran up the stairs and locked the door to our special room. I need someone to talk to. I knew just who I was going to call.

Brindly's POV

Toria's POV

Danny didn't call on the day of Brindly's birthday. It hurt Brindly a lot; I could tell.

"Hey Dylan?" I sat down on the couch next to Dylan.

"Yes baby?" Dylan turned the tv off.

"Did Danny happen to call while I was at work?" I played with my hair.

"I don't know. You'd have to talk to Alex. Her and Trevor are in the kitchen. I was working today. Jones was suposedly in and out all day. I will have tomorrow off and Saturday and Sunday. Just like normal." Dylan was just staring at me.

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